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That's All She Wrote (Sorry Angela Lansbury)

May 29, 2024, 8:57 PM ET [1405 Comments]
Karine Hains
Montreal Canadiens Blogger • RSSArchiveCONTACT
There's no easy way to write this tonight, but the time has come for me to say goodbye. It wasn't always easy, especially in the beginning, but I learned to hone my craft here at HockeyBuzz and I'll always be grateful to Eklund for the opportunity and to Russ Cohen for recommending me in the first place.

I feel like I've been through a lot here, we saw the Canadiens win some great games, lose some awful ones, we've seen two coaches get fired, the face of the franchise completely change with the retirement of Shea Weber and Carey Price (I know they are not officially retired, but they are really), we saw two captains get traded and another one be appointed. Most importantly though, we saw how the determination of 23 guys who had nothing to do in the Stanley Cup Final really, became a real team and fought like never before to get two of the biggest players in the history of the league a Stanley Cup. They might not have succeeded but I had a blast covering that from the Bell Centre press gallery and seeing Lehkonen send the Golden Knights on holiday on St-Jean-Baptiste day of all days.

I love writing and I hope it showed in my blogs. I had a tremendous amount of fun logging on here every day to write about anything Canadiens-related, even when there wasn't much to write about and Covid killed hockey temporarily. Thanks for following me along the road and thanks for entertaining me as well with some of your questionable jokes. I hope you'll like your next Canadiens blogger and don't be too hard on them, hockey is meant to be fun for everyone (aside from the Leafs, it must never be fun for them).

Let's hope Kent Hughes (or HuGo just for you Pat ;)) keeps us entertained this Summer and Go Habs Go!

Over and out,
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