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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 10 @ 7:46 AM ET
Sorry I´m looking at this guy and he looks like 30 year old veteran:

- MjulQvist

Canada has been known to doctor birth certificates didn’t ya know.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 10 @ 7:47 AM ET
Can’t wait to check this board after the Hawks first pick, the sky will be falling for some because they didn’t take the BPA, according to them.
- Angotti

What makes it hard for some people to understand BPA is subjective.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.15.2013

Jun 10 @ 7:53 AM ET
Again, (I guess i have to ask the question once a week) Can you name me all the Russian top players, drafted in the NHL, that want to come over and play within a couple years of being drafted that can't?

I'm ok with the hockey criticisms about the flaws in his skating that will lead knee injuries, the Russian factor thing is straight BS and doesn't exist.

Sounds like Habs propaganda piece to help Demidov drop.

Ironic isn't it, Canadian and US press using propaganda............

Lets say the supposed doomsday scenario happened, and he did sign a 2 year extension. What's the % of players drafted in the first round that are making substantial contributions 2 years after they were drafted vs. 3 years after they were drafted?

- vabeachbear

I don’t believe you could prove it is BS aka propaganda. You may be right, you may be wrong (who knows the next line in that Billy Joel song). We read where Demidov may be assigned to a lower league if he won’t sign before the last year of his current contract. Powerful league teams could be persuaded to loan out his brothers too or they be reassigned. A Demidov compromise could be to sign for just one year over in Russia then bolt. He could then likely play in a top league over there and his brothers not purposely given same treatment (assigned to a lower league).

Now if you are claiming that Montreal Canadiens and or the Canadien/American press - even Russian media reports could be propaganda- yes this could be true. It to say it is completely a blanket propaganda needs to be verified

I would bet that KD would love to take Demidov but is not convinced the knee could become an issue. On the contrary I bet the Montreal Canaduens Hughes, their GM, just is so infatuated he takes Demidov regardless of the supposed knee issue

Please understand that I do believe that you all are pretty smart cookies - you know your hockey and post intelligent analysis. Without listing names, I refer to those who are debating this as propaganda or not as such

Let’s not get mad over this. If you have more
NEW information to enlighten us, then please post it.

I just have to add, as fans we try to be objective but as a GM with lots of pressure to make the correct call, the GM,s have to worry about their job security if they screw up a major decision. As in life some will be bold and some will decide to be as practical and safe as possible
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.15.2013

Jun 10 @ 8:15 AM ET
What makes it hard for some people to understand BPA is subjective.
- paulr

When the secretive raking of best player available is different on the list for the league’s GM’s, then it is time to break down the best player available to this: best player available likely to many of the GM’s but a close enough call not to be unanimous.

Now if there was no injury history and the Russian dman was acclaimed surely to be first pair ceiling, it would be a tough call. Each of Demikov, Lindstrom and the dman would fill a team need. Purely in talent no injury or health factors present you go with Demikov who is the best pure talent after Celebrini goes first.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Sick Bay, MI
Joined: 02.22.2012

Jun 10 @ 8:51 AM ET
What makes it hard for some people to understand BPA is subjective.
- paulr

Exactly! Just so long as it’s my guy they pick. If not it will be a torch and pitchfork kind of day.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 04.22.2012

Jun 10 @ 9:00 AM ET
Canada has been known to doctor birth certificates didn’t ya know.
- paulr

It got me thinking..in US too?

Seriously if you haven´t met slavic person before I can assure you that Levshunov looks like pretty normal 18 old Belarus boy.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 04.22.2012

Jun 10 @ 9:12 AM ET
What makes it hard for some people to understand BPA is subjective.
- paulr

This! Behind the Hawks pick whoever it may be is long process of scouting and debate between scouting department. Decision will be more of a collective than subjective choice. Still it could go wrong. Rarely drafting order becomes the right rank order. Let´s hope Hawks can hit with this pick but it might take few years to really know what kind of players these kids will become.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 08.29.2015

Jun 10 @ 9:26 AM ET
Can’t wait to check this board after the Hawks first pick, the sky will be falling for some because they didn’t take the BPA, according to them.
- Angotti

Why wait- you can have it happen right now. Does being past a certain age make you ineligible for the draft or something? I've entirely missed the point of that as some point of argument for ...something, I guess.

BTW- will say it, again, the kid from MSU is a Belorussian - not a Russian -separate country (technically), separate ethnicity. You can argue geopolitics, etc - but there are other places to do that. For the purposes of international hockey (as in the IIHF - they are separate).
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Jun 10 @ 9:28 AM ET
This! Behind the Hawks pick whoever it may be is long process of scouting and debate between scouting department. Decision will be more of a collective than subjective choice. Still it could go wrong. Rarely drafting order becomes the right rank order. Let´s hope Hawks can hit with this pick but it might take few years to really know what kind of players these kids will become.
- MjulQvist

Shane Wright a few years ago (seemed to be consensus #1 and dropped to #4).
Nolan Patrick over Makar and Heiskanen
Moritz Seider coming out of nowhere
Barrett Hayton still being nowhere.

Teams will grade out the players and make choices accordingly. It will entirely depend on what the early picking teams value the most in players.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Jun 10 @ 9:31 AM ET
Again, (I guess i have to ask the question once a week) Can you name me all the Russian top players, drafted in the NHL, that want to come over and play within a couple years of being drafted that can't?

I'm ok with the hockey criticisms about the flaws in his skating that will lead knee injuries, the Russian factor thing is straight BS and doesn't exist.

Sounds like Habs propaganda piece to help Demidov drop.

Ironic isn't it, Canadian and US press using propaganda............

Lets say the supposed doomsday scenario happened, and he did sign a 2 year extension. What's the % of players drafted in the first round that are making substantial contributions 2 years after they were drafted vs. 3 years after they were drafted?

- vabeachbear

I'm not saying at all that this actually is a problem, but people might be extrapolating from the Kaprizov and Fedotov situations where it appeared they had difficulty getting out of Russia. I am by no means a foreign policy expert (or even know a damn thing about it), but that's the only thing that I can see where this concern might be coming from.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.08.2021

Jun 10 @ 9:34 AM ET
Why wait- you can have it happen right now. Does being past a certain age make you ineligible for the draft or something? I've entirely missed the point of that as some point of argument for ...something, I guess.

BTW- will say it, again, the kid from MSU is a Belorussian - not a Russian -separate country (technically), separate ethnicity. You can argue geopolitics, etc - but there are other places to do that. For the purposes of international hockey (as in the IIHF - they are separate).

- SC116

If the guy is older than he claims then he is closer to his ceiling. Not to mention the lying part, if true.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.08.2021

Jun 10 @ 9:35 AM ET
It got me thinking..in US too?

Seriously if you haven´t met slavic person before I can assure you that Levshunov looks like pretty normal 18 old Belarus boy.

- MjulQvist

Seriously, i have met and lived among slavic people all my life.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.08.2021

Jun 10 @ 9:37 AM ET
What makes it hard for some people to understand BPA is subjective.
- paulr

What makes it hard for you to understand that people know this. You havent reinvented the wheel.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.08.2021

Jun 10 @ 9:38 AM ET
Canada has been known to doctor birth certificates didn’t ya know.
- paulr

Wouldnt have picked him either.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Jun 10 @ 9:59 AM ET
[quote=paulr]You stated Levshunov wasn’t 18, unless you have proof he doctored his birth certificate, you were posting bullpoop.

And as far as who is the BPA that is determined by who KD chooses. That’s not opinion, that is fact!

- LFS[/quote

KFC’s choice will not make that person bpa. He is or he isnt. That’sHIS choice. As for the age discrepancy others in the know have stated it. Im just repeating. Im sorry but looking at the guy he looks older than 18. And russia was never known for doctoring birth certificates. I will accept whomever he choses and hope it works out. We all want the best for the hawks.

Who has stated this, and can you link it? I'd like to read the context around it if available.

Regarding BPA, you say "he is or he isn't". What makes Demidov the BPA? Are your criteria the same as those derived from an NHL front office? I'd argue that BPA is completely subjective and each team will value player traits differently.
Joined: 05.04.2010

Jun 10 @ 10:20 AM ET
i doubt they trade Kurachev, Bedard's only viable option unless they have a big scorer signed (tampering) to offset.
I tearfully regret the past hour I spent answering on the last blog...

- wiz1901

Nazar and Hayes will both surpass Kurachev and Reichel this year in the depth charts this year.

Also if he gives you a chance to snag say Eiserman at 11 then I think you probably make that deal.

I'm not convinced any of his success last year was sustainable and you'd be better overpaying for DeBrusk than running him out another year.
Joined: 05.04.2010

Jun 10 @ 10:23 AM ET
Guentzel will be a very risky UFA for Chicago. He'll likely be on decline when the team is ascending.
- jfkst1

He should already be on the decline and may not score 40 again. Though playing on Bedards wing will certainly open space.

Marchessault is a similar player and has his best years after 30.

If they want to add that Hossa character type player who is tenacious on both sides of the puck - has been on deep playoff runs and won Cups --- Thats the guy and oh guess what he's available all they have to do is give him money.

Probably just pay the man and it's one less thing to worry about in 2 or 3 years. Not like he's gonna fall off a cliff.
Joined: 05.04.2010

Jun 10 @ 10:25 AM ET
The unstoppable Edmonton offense was stopable after all. For one Stanley Cup game. And for more games too in this Cup final?

Sure hope so

- jhawk59

They got goalered. Not going to happen over the whole 7 game series.
Joined: 05.04.2010

Jun 10 @ 10:29 AM ET
That was also what I thought at the Chicago Public HS match the high school I taught at, Lincoln Park H.S. was playing Farragut Career Academy who had high schooler, Kevin Garnett.
Before the game a colleague and I wnet courtside while he was practicing shots and told him that he must have stayed home fom school a year before moving up to stay with his sister in Chicago.
He basically (softly) told us, "No, I am just 17...."

- wiz1901

Brad Guzan (USMNT and former premiere league goaler) was the same way.
Joined: 05.04.2010

Jun 10 @ 10:30 AM ET
Elliotte Friedman pulls a rumour out of his ass, that he thinks the Hawks will sign Guentzel, he up front said he has no insider info on this, it’s just a thought and now I’m reading about it or seeing it on YouTube. It’s crazy how bullpoop takes on a life of its own.
- paulr

Friedman doesn't pull anything out of his ass. Like uncle Bob if he says it he heard it from a reliable source and has a good chance of happening.
Joined: 05.04.2010

Jun 10 @ 10:34 AM ET
The lengthy explanation regarding Demidov situation helps to discern how NHL teams are going to decide whether to draft him. He may very well play for a couple or more seasons but eventually Demidov probably will shun his current environment for the NHL. So I expect him to slide mid to late first round. How amazing would it be if KD selected him at #18? This kid very well may feel it is in his family’s best interest- including two hockey playing brothers- if he plays even one or two seasons in Russia. The one year escape clause where he would be demoted, could mean it would be three years before he comes over. And more grind vis a vis games played and wear and tear on his leg(knee?) issue

I really want to draft a forward and I lean toward Lindstrom yet we can only surmise that KD does diligence checking on his health. My big hope was a forward with #2 and if we get a top ten pick through trade either Caton but preferably a dman. I like several of the dmen as dynamic second or third pair ceiling with Yakemchuk my favorite. I figure he may last with other more acclaimed or highly rated choosen first.

The Blackhawks really do need to keep S Jones for another year and I do not believe Mrzak should go just yet. Beside needing him in goal for at least one more season, he is not exactly what New Jersey or reportedly even what Buffalo is looking for. Not worthy such a high premium # 10 or # 11 overall anyway (if you are a rival GM this is your belief).

I definitely would like to see the # 18 packaged with ? (Another draft pick) so we could move up. With Hayes in pipeline and possibly Lindstrom drafted, I want to draft a dynamic dman

It comes down to whether KD goes with Leveshunov or Lindstrom and I can live with either choice. However of Lindstrom then I really would like to see KD try to get another top ten pick

- jhawk59

I really like the Hawks being the middle man in a Jones - Marner deal and getting a high pick. Like Jones to Toronto, Utah's 6 and a 2026 second to Chicago, Marner to Utah.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 04.22.2012

Jun 10 @ 10:38 AM ET
If the guy is older than he claims then he is closer to his ceiling. Not to mention the lying part, if true.

What makes you think he is lying? Where did you pull this one out? Why isn´t this mentioned by Powers, Pope, etc..because it is not true. Powers just wrote that he learned at combine that Levshunov has very huge upside with projectable body and Levshunov has never had a true offseason with weight plan.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Why did I move back here again?, IL
Joined: 11.06.2015

Jun 10 @ 10:40 AM ET
Friedman doesn't pull anything out of his ass. Like uncle Bob if he says it he heard it from a reliable source and has a good chance of happening.
- fattybeef

Here's the transcript from Freidman and Marek on Guentzel (which reads like a third grade debate):

Sportsnet: Elliotte Friedman and Jeff Marek on the 32 Thoughts: The Podcast – Loser Thinking episode on the latest on pending unrestricted free agent Jake Guentzel.

** NHLRumors.com transcription

Marek: “What’s the latest with Jake Guentzel?”

Friedman: “So it sounds like he’s available for a mid-round pick. I believe Carolina’s let everybody know that if you want to trade for his rights for the chance to sign him that, that it’s possible for a, for a mid-round pick.”

Marek: “A lot of teams lined up on that one?”

Friedman: “I’m sure there’s a ton of interest. I mean, you’ve just got to know, you know, do you think you’re gonna get him.

It’s, so, on your show the other day and on my NHL Network hit on Wednesday, we talked about our theories and Scott Laughlin asked me for a wild theory in and I said Chicago. And I do think there’s something to that now. You said San Jose.”

Marek: “Yeah, because they …”

Friedman: “Maybe if they sign Guentzel …”

Marek: “… they need to …”

Friedman: “They won’t be to scared to go to the NHL.”

Marek: “They need to protect their assets instead of just throwing them like to the wolves like you would do as a general manager of the San Jose Sharks.”

Someone said to me, like, Why do you guys hate Jake Guentzel so much? You don’t want him to ever win again? I kind of got a good laugh out of that. ”

Marek: “Both teams will turn it around.”

Friedman: “By the time, yes. Seriously? Yeah, I kind of gotta get a good laugh out of that.

I did have a couple of people say to me, San Jose is a long way away still. When it comes to Chicago, they were like, at the beginning, they’re like, then someone said to me, Chicago started to make noises like they’d like to move things along a little bit here.”

Marek: “I can see that.”

Friedman: “So I don’t know.”

Marek: “They’re getting to their, a top player in a couple weeks here.”

Friedman: And I don’t think it’s impossible that Chicago was considering this. Let’s put it that way. We’ll see. We’ll see where it all goes. But I don’t think it’s impossible. We’ll see how it all ends up but he’s available.”
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: YYZ
Joined: 06.26.2011

Jun 10 @ 10:45 AM ET
What makes you think he is lying? Where did you pull this one out? Why isn´t this mentioned by Powers, Pope, etc..because it is not true. Powers just wrote that he learned at combine that Levshunov has very huge upside with projectable body and Levshunov has never had a true offseason with weight plan.
- MjulQvist

LFS says he’s older so you’re obviously wrong.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 04.22.2012

Jun 10 @ 10:46 AM ET
LFS says he’s older so you’re obviously wrong.
- paulr

Ok! My bad
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