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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Tippett, TIFH
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 11:06 PM ET
Very little of this is fact. A lot of opinion. Perhaps you should find out actual facts instead of parroting MSNBC, CNN and FOX. There’s either a lot of ignorance or naivety in these opinions. Seriously. Learn the facts before you post opinions as such. Additionally, if you want to talk politics, go to the your antifa or proud boys or whatever websites you want. Some people are so stupid. Some of you actually believe Maddow and Hannity. Geez. This is a hockey/Flyers blog. Go vote bit keep it private.

Learn the law people (most of you are very ignorant of it) and keep your political opinions to yourselves or to the political blogs.

- mikeyo27

Not one assertion is wrong. Not a single one. Not in statement. Not in implication. Not in inference.

You can't tell people to not talk about politics, but then preface it by talking about politics and throwing shade. 🤣

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 11 @ 11:09 PM ET
The way Parekh is described,he doesn't seem like a Torts type player. That would sure be interesting.

From The Athletic..

Torts has such an over reliance on the eye test that I don't think he would be able to get past this kind of stuff Torts thinks caring entails screaming and yelling and conflict.

- MBFlyerfan

I’m not sure that would be the case. Torts has mentioned that there are times TK does things that drive him nuts but he doesn’t want to over coach him and coach the creativity out of his game. He mentioned something similar to Drysdale, how they want to improve his defense without taking away his offense. Obviously not every player is afforded that freedom. I think Parekh would be awesome to have. I really like him, Buium, and D!ckinson. I wonder how the Flyers view him. Drysdale is an all offense RHD just like Parekh. Would they be open to 2 guys like that? They also will potentially have Bonk on the right side.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jun 11 @ 11:15 PM ET
Your perspectives have very little to do with you being a Canadian, or being a nice man, or being fair, all of which you are. It has to do with your being embarassingly ill-informed, intellectually lazy, and with a defensive posture of interpreting common sense refutations as 'far-left discourse.'

Here is a little analysis of your "one party trying to keep Trump off the election trail" claim:

1. The attorney general (who would need to be a key player in such a concerted conspiracy effort) is a registered Independent who has such broad bipartisan appeal that his nomination to the SC in 2016 was never brought up to the full Senate for confirmation because McConnel was scared he would be confirmed. His vote for confirmation to AG was 70 to 30 in 2021.

2. This same ring leader brought charges against a US dem senator for bribery, and for a prominent US labor leader in Philly (who is very good at getting the vote out for dems) for embezzlement. Too bad this partsisan ring leader is hurting his own party, huh?

3. The same dude, while taking a break from trying to keep Trump off the trail, found time to not just prosecute but actually convict the President's son during the same election year, thus providing not just an emotional but also a political blow. What a Machiavellian pos!

4. The Manhattan DA, (as mentioned by me earlier), has nothing to do with national Dem party or DC or DOJ. He brought charges and secured a conviction by a jury. But the same DA office, when occupied by his predecessor, declined to bring charges just a couple of years ago, thus suggesting the decision to prosecute was personal and not political or conspiratorial.

5. The Trump classified handling case, which is pretty strong, was brought in Florida, which has a far more conservative bench, rather than say, NY or DC, where it could have been brought. As such, there was always a possibility it would fall to someone like AIleen Cannon, who has delayed, delayed, delayed. You would think a dude orchestrating such a national conspiracy could do better than be so embarassingly sloppy, huh?

6. The same dude appointed a special counsel who investigated Biden's mishandling of classified info and came out with a report where he essentially called the president senile. Also in the same year as the time he was 'trying to damage Trump'. What a clumsy conspirator, no?

7. If the charges were 'trumped' up, strange they seem to be sticking . A jury voted to convict 34-0. Another grand jury voted to indict in classified handling case, and yet another in the insurrection case.

8. In the US justice system, a special prosecutor/counsel has complete autonomy to investigate and decides solely whether, when and where to bring charges. There are gadzillions of lawyers working for such offices. How exactly would they manage to coordinate to act out the will of the "one party" in this hyper-noxious media environment without someone providing evidence of such collusion?

I could go on, but instead I will say this. Could it possibly be that Trump has so many charges against him because he has so many potential crimes on his record and not because of a vendetta?

And I will say this. Trump is a guy who has promised to undo some of the most sacrosanct principles of American government. Such as interfere with the independence of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve has been always politically independent. Bush Sr. wanted the Fed to cut rates for his re-election. Currently, Biden would like lower rates but he can't do anything about it.

To reduce an independent and essential arm of govt to a political appendage would be vintage Trump, of course. But it would be catastrophic for the US govt.

The notion that you would like to see a guy like this win is bad enough. But what makes it particularly pathetic are that your reasons stem not from belief or conviction but from your poor grasp of common sense and detail.

- PT21

You just showed that you’re a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect. All 8 of those points can be refuted with facts and truth. Typical leftist claptrap. The truth is always subservient to doctrine and emotion.

Then you use arrogant condescending imagined superiority to try to demean the intelligence of a thoughtful and respected poster. Pathetic.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 11:17 PM ET
You just showed that you’re a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect. All 8 of those points can be refuted with facts and truth. Typical leftist claptrap. The truth is always subservient to doctrine and emotion.

Then you use arrogant condescending imagined superiority to try to demean the intelligence of a thoughtful and respected poster. Pathetic.

- Minnyhock

Go ahead. 😁
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 11:20 PM ET
Go ahead. 😁
- PT21

I will make it easy for you, given the constraints of your intelligence.

Just pick one. 🤗

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 11 @ 11:23 PM ET
Yeah. I think Parekh would be a good fit skill wise if he fell that far. While size is good, we will still need more skill on d. I wonder if the guy might still have some growth size wise left in him. I don’t think he will but who knows? If torts can’t deal with some of these kids, then he needs to be the one to go imo.
- Hextall271

If Parekh is there at 12 he’s by far the best player available. It would be a mistake to pass on him. And to be fair he’s listed at 6’0. Even if they want more size on their blue line the kid is still likely 2-3 years away. A lot can happen during that time. Drysdale might not pan out if he can’t stay healthy. I’d get the best players possible in the system and then worry about size and stuff. Colorado had 2 sub 6’0 defenseman on their cup winning roster.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jun 11 @ 11:23 PM ET
Not one assertion is wrong. Not a single one. Not in statement. Not in implication. Not in inference.

You can't tell people to not talk about politics, but then preface it by talking about politics and throwing shade. 🤣

- PT21

You need to learn the difference between fact and opinion. Perhaps one day you may grow enough to know the difference.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jun 11 @ 11:26 PM ET
Go ahead. 😁
- PT21

It’s like a battle of wits with the unarmed. Seriously. Give it up. In the real word, facts prevail, not emotion, opinions, or feelings.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jun 11 @ 11:28 PM ET
Go ahead. 😁
- PT21

I wouldn’t waste my time. You have no interest in recognizing and deciphering the truth.

Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jun 11 @ 11:34 PM ET
I will make it easy for you, given the constraints of your intelligence.

Just pick one. 🤗

- PT21

More condescending and imaginary superiority from an academic. You learned nothing from the pasting MJL gave you.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 11:37 PM ET
I wouldn’t waste my time. You have no interest in recognizing and deciphering the truth.
- Minnyhock

Well, I am known here as combative and abrasive and pontifical and elitist. All charges which are not without substance. 😁. But no one here has ever accused ne of being unfair, so try me. I will be delighted if for once I find a decent factual rebuttal from a Trumpie

The truth, according to you, is largely an inarguable fact that only likeminded people are privy to. The challenge to which is met with expostulations of virtuous outrage.

All of which cement the belief that you are in a cult, and the truth passes every definition of being dogma.

And btw, there is no inaccuracy in that post.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 11:40 PM ET
More condescending and imaginary superiority from an academic. You learned nothing from the pasting MJL gave you.
- Minnyhock

You mean the pasting where he refused to take a bet about the outcome that he was sure he could predict? 😃

You know, your amiable nature hid a certain truth about you I never realized for long. You are a nice man, and a very knowledgeable hockey fan, but you are also a moron. 😁
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 11:43 PM ET
It’s like a battle of wits with the unarmed. Seriously. Give it up. In the real word, facts prevail, not emotion, opinions, or feelings.
- mikeyo27

Oh try me. Humor ne. Slay the unarmed. Pick one error. Provide a description in succinct prose and stop evading the central issue by waving your hands about.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jun 11 @ 11:50 PM ET
You mean the pasting where he refused to take a bet about the outcome that he was sure he could predict? 😃

You know, your amiable nature hid a certain truth about you I never realized for long. You are a nice man, and a very knowledgeable hockey fan, but you are also a moron. 😁

- PT21

The bet is a distraction from the beatdown you got.

You calling me a moron has zero effect. You’re just lashing out with emotion just like you always do. That 8 point War and Peace political statement is just verbal grandstanding. You’re just a pseudo intellectual fraud.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 11:55 PM ET
The bet is a distraction from the beatdown you got.

You calling me a moron has zero effect. You’re just lashing out with emotion just like you always do. That 8 point War and Peace political statement is just verbal grandstanding. You’re just a pseudo intellectual fraud.

- Minnyhock

Its uncanny the likeness with MJL in style and content. The inability to engage in substance (where was the error again?). The trash talk after the inability to engage. The sophomoric and juvenile language ("beatdown" ha ha).

Now go to bed, sir. I am officially bored. Your mental acuity was not built for this.

I am still awaiting the slaying from the respected poster.🤣

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Duncan, BC
Joined: 12.06.2019

Jun 12 @ 12:01 AM ET
I like Lavi more also. I mainly use him as an example because he also coached for the Flyers, American born like Torts, Lavi sitting at 7th all-time. Pretty comparable, Lavi clearly being a little better.

But also people just eat everything he does up and he only gets slightly better results. It's completely biased. At the end of the day folks are sh!tting on a guy who is in the top 10 coaches of all-time and could pass AL ARBOUR next year - to put things into perspective.

I will not give 2 sh!ts when Torts is fired. It's not even that I'm trying to defend him - but the clear bias against a guy with that much success as an NHL coach from some armchair GMs is laughable.

- anti-lame

Because Lavi isn't an a$shole like Torts is.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jun 12 @ 12:12 AM ET
Its uncanny the likeness with MJL in style and content. The inability to engage in substance (where was the error again?). The trash talk after the inability to engage. The sophomoric and juvenile language ("beatdown" ha ha).

Now go to bed, sir. I am officially bored. Your mental acuity was not built for this.

I am still awaiting the slaying from the respected poster.🤣

- PT21

You get a beatdown and demand a more academically refined word for it. I’m sure you sleep with your Thesaurus so find one.

You demand substance when you didn’t provide any. Nothing but legacy media bubble bullet points.

You’re Rachel Maddow on steroids. You go girl. Now run along.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.29.2013

Jun 12 @ 12:13 AM ET
Yeah. I’m Canadian too and I’ve had enough of our far left government. Bring on the fall election and a change even though the conservatives are not perfect.
- Hextall271

I dunno. Poilievre chomping on an apple when answering questions was a pretty hilarious moment.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 12:33 AM ET
It’s like a battle of wits with the unarmed. Seriously. Give it up. In the real word, facts prevail, not emotion, opinions, or feelings.
- mikeyo27

Sir, I will drily note that the slaying hand seems to require a little time for the killing. Disappointing ... I need to turn in ....

Tomorrow I have a frenetically busy morning at work, from 7 to 1:30 or so. I will check after that.

I suggest a simple template:

1. Pick 1 or 2 of the biggest claimed errors
2. Point out precisely and succintly the evidence of why they are errors

Till then.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 7:06 AM ET
Your perspectives have very little to do with you being a Canadian, or being a nice man, or being fair, all of which you are. It has to do with your being embarassingly ill-informed, intellectually lazy, and with a defensive posture of interpreting common sense refutations as 'far-left discourse.'

Here is a little analysis of your "one party trying to keep Trump off the election trail" claim:

1. The attorney general (who would need to be a key player in such a concerted conspiracy effort) is a registered Independent who has such broad bipartisan appeal that his nomination to the SC in 2016 was never brought up to the full Senate for confirmation because McConnel was scared he would be confirmed. His vote for confirmation to AG was 70 to 30 in 2021.

2. This same ring leader brought charges against a US dem senator for bribery, and for a prominent US labor leader in Philly (who is very good at getting the vote out for dems) for embezzlement. Too bad this partsisan ring leader is hurting his own party, huh?

3. The same dude, while taking a break from trying to keep Trump off the trail, found time to not just prosecute but actually convict the President's son during the same election year, thus providing not just an emotional but also a political blow. What a Machiavellian pos!

4. The Manhattan DA, (as mentioned by me earlier), has nothing to do with national Dem party or DC or DOJ. He brought charges and secured a conviction by a jury. But the same DA office, when occupied by his predecessor, declined to bring charges just a couple of years ago, thus suggesting the decision to prosecute was personal and not political or conspiratorial.

5. The Trump classified handling case, which is pretty strong, was brought in Florida, which has a far more conservative bench, rather than say, NY or DC, where it could have been brought. As such, there was always a possibility it would fall to someone like AIleen Cannon, who has delayed, delayed, delayed. You would think a dude orchestrating such a national conspiracy could do better than be so embarassingly sloppy, huh?

6. The same dude appointed a special counsel who investigated Biden's mishandling of classified info and came out with a report where he essentially called the president senile. Also in the same year as the time he was 'trying to damage Trump'. What a clumsy conspirator, no?

7. If the charges were 'trumped' up, strange they seem to be sticking . A jury voted to convict 34-0. Another grand jury voted to indict in classified handling case, and yet another in the insurrection case.

8. In the US justice system, a special prosecutor/counsel has complete autonomy to investigate and decides solely whether, when and where to bring charges. There are gadzillions of lawyers working for such offices. How exactly would they manage to coordinate to act out the will of the "one party" in this hyper-noxious media environment without someone providing evidence of such collusion?

I could go on, but instead I will say this. Could it possibly be that Trump has so many charges against him because he has so many potential crimes on his record and not because of a vendetta?

And I will say this. Trump is a guy who has promised to undo some of the most sacrosanct principles of American government. Such as interfere with the independence of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve has been always politically independent. Bush Sr. wanted the Fed to cut rates for his re-election. Currently, Biden would like lower rates but he can't do anything about it.

To reduce an independent and essential arm of govt to a political appendage would be vintage Trump, of course. But it would be catastrophic for the US govt.

The notion that you would like to see a guy like this win is bad enough. But what makes it particularly pathetic are that your reasons stem not from belief or conviction but from your poor grasp of common sense and detail.

- PT21

It's astounding that a self proclaimed academic and scholar would not only get the facts wrong. Be so ignorant on actual law and oblivious to the political games being played by the far left. I won't wast time here addressing each point. Due to not wanting to degrade this even further. Though I'd be glad to do so in a miscellaneous thread and continue the brow beating.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 7:07 AM ET
Every legal expert also thought 45 would walk - that did not happen
- corduroy

That's definitely not the case. Most knew that he had zero chance of getting a fair trial and an impartial jury in NYC.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 7:08 AM ET
Not one assertion is wrong. Not a single one. Not in statement. Not in implication. Not in inference.

You can't tell people to not talk about politics, but then preface it by talking about politics and throwing shade. 🤣

- PT21

They were all very misguided and lacking full detail.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 7:14 AM ET
It’s like a battle of wits with the unarmed. Seriously. Give it up. In the real word, facts prevail, not emotion, opinions, or feelings.
- mikeyo27

In reality, this is about politics and actually votes. Where emotion, opinion and feelings do come into play. That's the real point. Who wins the election needs to be decided by the people at the voting booth. Not with lawfare and bogus trials. Not with impeachment and impeachment inquiries, from both sides. Not from corrupt investigations and biased special counsels. It all needs to stop.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 7:24 AM ET
Oh try me. Humor ne. Slay the unarmed. Pick one error. Provide a description in succinct prose and stop evading the central issue by waving your hands about.
- PT21

The crimes allegedly committed in the classified documents case occurred in Florida. Therefore, that case could not have been brought in DC. Are you so ignorant to not grasp what is going on? That if a partisan political hack such as Jack Smith, who is illegally appointed by the way. Could've brought the case in a more favorable jurisdiction, such as DC, that he would've? It's also not a strong case. It's a weak case, filled with holes.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: west haven, CT
Joined: 08.14.2015

Jun 12 @ 7:25 AM ET
Your perspectives have very little to do with you being a Canadian, or being a nice man, or being fair, all of which you are. It has to do with your being embarassingly ill-informed, intellectually lazy, and with a defensive posture of interpreting common sense refutations as 'far-left discourse.'

Here is a little analysis of your "one party trying to keep Trump off the election trail" claim:

1. The attorney general (who would need to be a key player in such a concerted conspiracy effort) is a registered Independent who has such broad bipartisan appeal that his nomination to the SC in 2016 was never brought up to the full Senate for confirmation because McConnel was scared he would be confirmed. His vote for confirmation to AG was 70 to 30 in 2021.

2. This same ring leader brought charges against a US dem senator for bribery, and for a prominent US labor leader in Philly (who is very good at getting the vote out for dems) for embezzlement. Too bad this partsisan ring leader is hurting his own party, huh?

3. The same dude, while taking a break from trying to keep Trump off the trail, found time to not just prosecute but actually convict the President's son during the same election year, thus providing not just an emotional but also a political blow. What a Machiavellian pos!

4. The Manhattan DA, (as mentioned by me earlier), has nothing to do with national Dem party or DC or DOJ. He brought charges and secured a conviction by a jury. But the same DA office, when occupied by his predecessor, declined to bring charges just a couple of years ago, thus suggesting the decision to prosecute was personal and not political or conspiratorial.

5. The Trump classified handling case, which is pretty strong, was brought in Florida, which has a far more conservative bench, rather than say, NY or DC, where it could have been brought. As such, there was always a possibility it would fall to someone like AIleen Cannon, who has delayed, delayed, delayed. You would think a dude orchestrating such a national conspiracy could do better than be so embarassingly sloppy, huh?

6. The same dude appointed a special counsel who investigated Biden's mishandling of classified info and came out with a report where he essentially called the president senile. Also in the same year as the time he was 'trying to damage Trump'. What a clumsy conspirator, no?

7. If the charges were 'trumped' up, strange they seem to be sticking . A jury voted to convict 34-0. Another grand jury voted to indict in classified handling case, and yet another in the insurrection case.

8. In the US justice system, a special prosecutor/counsel has complete autonomy to investigate and decides solely whether, when and where to bring charges. There are gadzillions of lawyers working for such offices. How exactly would they manage to coordinate to act out the will of the "one party" in this hyper-noxious media environment without someone providing evidence of such collusion?

I could go on, but instead I will say this. Could it possibly be that Trump has so many charges against him because he has so many potential crimes on his record and not because of a vendetta?

And I will say this. Trump is a guy who has promised to undo some of the most sacrosanct principles of American government. Such as interfere with the independence of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve has been always politically independent. Bush Sr. wanted the Fed to cut rates for his re-election. Currently, Biden would like lower rates but he can't do anything about it.

To reduce an independent and essential arm of govt to a political appendage would be vintage Trump, of course. But it would be catastrophic for the US govt.

The notion that you would like to see a guy like this win is bad enough. But what makes it particularly pathetic are that your reasons stem not from belief or conviction but from your poor grasp of common sense and detail.

- PT21

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.
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