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landros 2
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 12 @ 7:49 AM ET
Not one assertion is wrong. Not a single one. Not in statement. Not in implication. Not in inference.

You can't tell people to not talk about politics, but then preface it by talking about politics and throwing shade. 🤣

- PT21

The issue is you should probably branch out from CNN and MSNBC… it’s like you use their talking points verbatim. Unfortunately it is the way now…in your own little tribe so scared of being on the wrong side. As others have stated, your inability to look at this rationally shows a lack of “real” intellectual thought… hell not even that… just common sense.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Jun 12 @ 7:55 AM ET
The issue is you should probably branch out from CNN and MSNBC… it’s like you use their talking points verbatim. Unfortunately it is the way now…in your own little tribe so scared of being on the wrong side. As others have stated, your inability to look at this rationally shows a lack of “real” intellectual thought… he’ll not even that… just common sense.
- landros 2

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 12 @ 8:07 AM ET
Our situation is just as messed up…no doubt.
- landros 2

What I don't like about the current discourse on both sides of the border is that people are so entrenched on one side or the other on every issue. I try to make my best and non emotional assessment before formulating an opinion (that's all it is). I'm not against all things our current government has done. I think all politicians have a shelf life )and this PM is past his prime. The gov't has done well with vaccination, getting the country (business) through the pandemic assisting refugees but less so WRT military spending and managing cost of living/housing.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 12 @ 8:11 AM ET
The issue is you should probably branch out from CNN and MSNBC… it’s like you use their talking points verbatim. Unfortunately it is the way now…in your own little tribe so scared of being on the wrong side. As others have stated, your inability to look at this rationally shows a lack of “real” intellectual thought… hell not even that… just common sense.
- landros 2

This is a good point. I've spoken to some family who are US democrats and they say that EVERYTHING that is on CNN and MSNBC is the absolute gospel truth just like the Conservative FOX people say. You always need to take media/press with a grain of salt and understand the underlying motivation/spin of stuff. Too many articles are presented as fact when they are with obvious opinion/spin. Use a critical eye on all topics to make up your own mind rather than accept all as fact because it follows your own line of thought.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jun 12 @ 8:21 AM ET
Your perspectives have very little to do with you being a Canadian, or being a nice man, or being fair, all of which you are. It has to do with your being embarassingly ill-informed, intellectually lazy, and with a defensive posture of interpreting common sense refutations as 'far-left discourse.'

Here is a little analysis of your "one party trying to keep Trump off the election trail" claim:

1. The attorney general (who would need to be a key player in such a concerted conspiracy effort) is a registered Independent who has such broad bipartisan appeal that his nomination to the SC in 2016 was never brought up to the full Senate for confirmation because McConnel was scared he would be confirmed. His vote for confirmation to AG was 70 to 30 in 2021.

2. This same ring leader brought charges against a US dem senator for bribery, and for a prominent US labor leader in Philly (who is very good at getting the vote out for dems) for embezzlement. Too bad this partsisan ring leader is hurting his own party, huh?

3. The same dude, while taking a break from trying to keep Trump off the trail, found time to not just prosecute but actually convict the President's son during the same election year, thus providing not just an emotional but also a political blow. What a Machiavellian pos!

4. The Manhattan DA, (as mentioned by me earlier), has nothing to do with national Dem party or DC or DOJ. He brought charges and secured a conviction by a jury. But the same DA office, when occupied by his predecessor, declined to bring charges just a couple of years ago, thus suggesting the decision to prosecute was personal and not political or conspiratorial.

5. The Trump classified handling case, which is pretty strong, was brought in Florida, which has a far more conservative bench, rather than say, NY or DC, where it could have been brought. As such, there was always a possibility it would fall to someone like AIleen Cannon, who has delayed, delayed, delayed. You would think a dude orchestrating such a national conspiracy could do better than be so embarassingly sloppy, huh?

6. The same dude appointed a special counsel who investigated Biden's mishandling of classified info and came out with a report where he essentially called the president senile. Also in the same year as the time he was 'trying to damage Trump'. What a clumsy conspirator, no?

7. If the charges were 'trumped' up, strange they seem to be sticking . A jury voted to convict 34-0. Another grand jury voted to indict in classified handling case, and yet another in the insurrection case.

8. In the US justice system, a special prosecutor/counsel has complete autonomy to investigate and decides solely whether, when and where to bring charges. There are gadzillions of lawyers working for such offices. How exactly would they manage to coordinate to act out the will of the "one party" in this hyper-noxious media environment without someone providing evidence of such collusion?

I could go on, but instead I will say this. Could it possibly be that Trump has so many charges against him because he has so many potential crimes on his record and not because of a vendetta?

And I will say this. Trump is a guy who has promised to undo some of the most sacrosanct principles of American government. Such as interfere with the independence of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve has been always politically independent. Bush Sr. wanted the Fed to cut rates for his re-election. Currently, Biden would like lower rates but he can't do anything about it.

To reduce an independent and essential arm of govt to a political appendage would be vintage Trump, of course. But it would be catastrophic for the US govt.

The notion that you would like to see a guy like this win is bad enough. But what makes it particularly pathetic are that your reasons stem not from belief or conviction but from your poor grasp of common sense and detail.

- PT21

It isn’t really about what you posted but there a a high number of details left out that would refute your arguments
. People such as myself who want the federal governments power severely reduced and make them abide by the constitution are labeled as right wing extremist.
I have plenty of disagreements with Trump. I also agree with many of his policies.
Trump is an outsider and a threat to the status quo.
Those in the government who steal from the American taxpayer and funnel that money to friendly NGO’s, non profits, unions, think tanks etc always seem to get a piece of the pie and become quite wealthy.
Trump isn’t the magic cure to fix all this countries problems but he also isn’t the biggest problem.
It’s amazing to me how so many are scared of what Trump will do if and when he is re-elected but will vote for politicians who are more than happy to expand the powers of the executive branch.

landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 12 @ 8:21 AM ET
What I don't like about the current discourse on both sides of the border is that people are so entrenched on one side or the other on every issue. I try to make my best and non emotional assessment before formulating an opinion (that's all it is). I'm not against all things our current government has done. I think all politicians have a shelf life )and this PM is past his prime. The gov't has done well with vaccination, getting the country (business) through the pandemic assisting refugees but less so WRT military spending and managing cost of living/housing.
- Hextall271

It’s funny I say the same things to my kids…I can’t knock everything they do because quite frankly some of it was good. I remind them that we live in a country, that all though dad didn’t vote for the guy, the guy with the most votes won. That’s democracy. I’ve never been a Trudeau guy, but I still get annoyed with all the F- Trudeau stuff I see. The lack of civility has become astounding.
With that said the most recent change to the capital gains, was the last straw. Regardless of how they spin it, is an attack on the middle class as much as the 1% BS. It personally will cost me a lot of $…which I’m use to paying, but enough is enough. I see their reckless spending and know full well they are helping drive the inflation. Eventually throwing $ at the problem runs its course and we’ll be left to pay the bill in the end.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 12 @ 8:24 AM ET
This is a good point. I've spoken to some family who are US democrats and they say that EVERYTHING that is on CNN and MSNBC is the absolute gospel truth just like the Conservative FOX people say. You always need to take media/press with a grain of salt and understand the underlying motivation/spin of stuff. Too many articles are presented as fact when they are with obvious opinion/spin. Use a critical eye on all topics to make up your own mind rather than accept all as fact because it follows your own line of thought.
- Hextall271

I actually watch both CNN and Fox and try to form my opinions after I hear both sides. CNN is so anti Trump just the way Fox was with Obama….there really not News anymore…it’s simply one sides spin and opinion pieces.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 12 @ 8:27 AM ET
I’m sure it has been posted but here’s what sportsnet had for a mock draft with some analysis on players.


- Hextall271

The don't have Connolly going in the first round? If he is still there at 32, the Flyers would be foolish to pass on him.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 8:27 AM ET
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

- ClaudeFather

very good
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 8:31 AM ET
The don't have Connolly going in the first round? If he is still there at 32, the Flyers would be foolish to pass on him.
- J35Bacher

I want him, he is going to be very good imo. He is someone you roll the dice with.

is he a torts type????
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 12 @ 8:31 AM ET
I really gotta say….i want Cole Eiserman.

And assets from a TK trade.

If that happens, I will write in any one of you for president

- Wingdestroyer

The more i read about him, the less i want him with the #12 pick, if he is still there late in the 1st, sure. Multiple people say he could be a keifer bellows or oliver wahlstrom. I want more of a sure thing than that at #12. Is his upside that much greater than someone else at 12 without nearly as much risk?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 12 @ 8:35 AM ET
I want him, he is going to be very good imo. He is someone you roll the dice with.

is he a torts type????

- hello it's me 2050

I don't care. Is Michkov?

They need talent and Connolly has that and would be a huge get at 32. Especially if your saying I can get Parekh and Connolly in the first round.

Just need to trade Konecny and Laughton to get more pieces(I will keep saying it into existence), 2 first next year and you have a good start to the rebuild.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 12 @ 8:37 AM ET
The more i read about him, the less i want him with the #12 pick, if he is still there late in the 1st, sure. Multiple people say he could be a keifer bellows or oliver wahlstrom. I want more of a sure thing than that at #12. Is his upside that much greater than someone else at 12 without nearly as much risk?
- bradster

Was Caufield able to score in the NHL?

If he is there at 12 I would take him depending who is on the board. He does something especially well that the Flyers need.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 8:51 AM ET
I actually watch both CNN and Fox and try to form my opinions after I hear both sides. CNN is so anti Trump just the way Fox was with Obama….there really not News anymore…it’s simply one sides spin and opinion pieces.
- landros 2

many are anti trump and many dont even know why. guess because he is so mean
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 8:54 AM ET
I don't care. Is Michkov?

They need talent and Connolly has that and would be a huge get at 32. Especially if your saying I can get Parekh and Connolly in the first round.

Just need to trade Konecny and Laughton to get more pieces(I will keep saying it into existence), 2 first next year and you have a good start to the rebuild.

- J35Bacher

well it matters as picking a mid to late first that may sway who they pick. MM was a no brainer and also had the 3 year thing until comes over going on.

I would try to trade up to mid rd to take Connoly. use the florida or col 1st plus a 3rd?

those 2 aint moving as we all know.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 12 @ 8:56 AM ET
It’s funny I say the same things to my kids…I can’t knock everything they do because quite frankly some of it was good. I remind them that we live in a country, that all though dad didn’t vote for the guy, the guy with the most votes won. That’s democracy. I’ve never been a Trudeau guy, but I still get annoyed with all the F- Trudeau stuff I see. The lack of civility has become astounding.
With that said the most recent change to the capital gains, was the last straw. Regardless of how they spin it, is an attack on the middle class as much as the 1% BS. It personally will cost me a lot of $…which I’m use to paying, but enough is enough. I see their reckless spending and know full well they are helping drive the inflation. Eventually throwing $ at the problem runs its course and we’ll be left to pay the bill in the end.

- landros 2

Trudeau should have walked last year as he has hit his shelf life. TBH, I don't like the lack of civility between politicians and between people from different political beliefs. I have never met trudeau, and I am sure he's very nice like all politicians I have met normally are. The climate is too charged now and my God why would anyone ever want to run for public office.

Agreed on the Capital gains tax. That is lunacy that kills farmers and Doctors/small business. That's the final nail in the government IMO and I say this knowing full well that the next government will have issues as well. It's never black and white and I tell my kids that beware anyone that takes a stance that doesn't appreciate the grey areas.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 12 @ 8:59 AM ET
I actually watch both CNN and Fox and try to form my opinions after I hear both sides. CNN is so anti Trump just the way Fox was with Obama….there really not News anymore…it’s simply one sides spin and opinion pieces.
- landros 2

I used to watch CNN a lot but I just can't stand the constant Trump news. Tell me about Ukraine, Gaza and real world issues. I don't care that Trump paid off a porn star. The Europeans just laugh at us and I also wonder how effective Trump would be firing up his base if the media simply ignored him and didn't feed the fire? They won't because they need ratings. Crazy world we live in.

Now I read a lot of BBC. CBC here in Canada is WAAY too left leaning.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 12 @ 9:01 AM ET
I don't care. Is Michkov?

They need talent and Connolly has that and would be a huge get at 32. Especially if your saying I can get Parekh and Connolly in the first round.

Just need to trade Konecny and Laughton to get more pieces(I will keep saying it into existence), 2 first next year and you have a good start to the rebuild.

- J35Bacher

Michkov doesn't fit our window to rebuild so we'll be trading him and the 12 pick to move up to 11 haha
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 12.18.2009

Jun 12 @ 9:01 AM ET
Was Caufield able to score in the NHL?

If he is there at 12 I would take him depending who is on the board. He does something especially well that the Flyers need.

- J35Bacher

saying caufield scored, does not mean he isnt a risky pick. Is he that much better than who would be on the board with a lot less risk? I am not expert on the kids getting drafted, but after losing cutter, having a little risk with the crazy russian, would prefer less risk. Unless he is head and shoulders better than who would still be available, and everything ive read is he isnt.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 12 @ 9:10 AM ET
I don't care. Is Michkov?

They need talent and Connolly has that and would be a huge get at 32. Especially if your saying I can get Parekh and Connolly in the first round.

Just need to trade Konecny and Laughton to get more pieces(I will keep saying it into existence), 2 first next year and you have a good start to the rebuild.

- J35Bacher

The point about Parekh is that according to scouts and reports he looks like he doesn't care when he is out there. Lackadaisical, not engaged, understated, looks too loose, etc. All things Torts hates even when it is just an illusion.

Torts thinks that if you don't look like you are about to chew through iron that you don't care. Its a stupid way to be and IMO is one of Torts Achilles heels as a coach.

All I was saying is that while I believe that Parekh would be a great pick, I think Torts will hate him because he can't step outside of his own biases as to what constitutes competitive.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 12 @ 9:15 AM ET

Athletics newest Mock 2.0

12. Philadelphia Flyers: Berkly Catton, C, Spokane (WHL)
One of the Flyers’ bigger challenges will be finding a center they can eventually play with high-end prospect right wing Matvei Michkov, who is expected to arrive in Philadelphia in the 2026 offseason at the latest. Catton falling this far would probably be a welcome and perhaps unexpected development. The only worry might be that the Flyers already have many small-ish type players in their system and Catton, listed at 5-foot-10, wouldn’t exactly be giving them any more bulk. — Kevin Kurz

31. Philadelphia Flyers: Dominik Badinka, D, Malmo (SWEDEN-2)
If the Flyers end up taking a forward with the No. 12 pick (as we did above), it would make sense for them to add another blueliner with this selection that they originally acquired from Florida in the Claude Giroux trade. A team still trying to build can never have enough big, right-shot defensemen that can skate, and Badinka could give the Flyers some insurance if 2023 first-round pick Oliver Bonk doesn’t pan out. — Kevin Kurz
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 12 @ 9:21 AM ET
The point about Parekh is that according to scouts and reports he looks like he doesn't care when he is out there. Lackadaisical, not engaged, understated, looks too loose, etc. All things Torts hates even when it is just an illusion.

Torts thinks that if you don't look like you are about to chew through iron that you don't care. Its a stupid way to be and IMO is one of Torts Achilles heels as a coach.

All I was saying is that while I believe that Parekh would be a great pick, I think Torts will hate him because he can't step outside of his own biases as to what constitutes competitive.

- MBFlyerfan

This is the issue. I should be able to have a coach that can get the best out of guys and adjust to the team I build. I shouldn't have to take less talent because they work hard to fit my coaches feelings.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 12 @ 9:26 AM ET
This is the issue. I should be able to have a coach that can get the best out of guys and adjust to the team I build. I shouldn't have to take less talent because they work hard to fit my coaches feelings.
- J35Bacher

I agree. But we have seen it enough times with his lineup decisions that he will take perceived effort over talent every time. Even when the numbers don't match up with what he "thinks" he sees.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 9:34 AM ET
The point about Parekh is that according to scouts and reports he looks like he doesn't care when he is out there. Lackadaisical, not engaged, understated, looks too loose, etc. All things Torts hates even when it is just an illusion.

Torts thinks that if you don't look like you are about to chew through iron that you don't care. Its a stupid way to be and IMO is one of Torts Achilles heels as a coach.

All I was saying is that while I believe that Parekh would be a great pick, I think Torts will hate him because he can't step outside of his own biases as to what constitutes competitive.

- MBFlyerfan

they really need to draft without making torts parts of the equation. really be dumb imo to even seek his input.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 9:35 AM ET

Athletics newest Mock 2.0

- MBFlyerfan

that sounds like he is making it a need pick and not BPA. hope they do not do that
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