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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Tippett, TIFH
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 12 @ 9:40 AM ET
that sounds like he is making it a need pick and not BPA. hope they do not do that
- hello it's me 2050

I would say if he is there he IS arguably the BPA. They have Eiserman going next at 13 and Helenius going to Detroit at 15.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 12 @ 9:44 AM ET
This is the issue. I should be able to have a coach that can get the best out of guys and adjust to the team I build. I shouldn't have to take less talent because they work hard to fit my coaches feelings.
- J35Bacher

I personally believe Torts has a shelf life here and that may include him being replaced at the end of next year. Remember, for whatever DB and Jonesy say, they did not hire him. It may come down to the org not wanting to pay 2 coaches to not coach. I think that we'll have a new face soon. No idea who that might be but hope it's a younger progressive coach and not a retread. And please find someone who can fix the PP. Dear lord.
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Jun 12 @ 9:57 AM ET
I personally believe Torts has a shelf life here and that may include him being replaced at the end of next year. Remember, for whatever DB and Jonesy say, they did not hire him. It may come down to the org not wanting to pay 2 coaches to not coach. I think that we'll have a new face soon. No idea who that might be but hope it's a younger progressive coach and not a retread. And please find someone who can fix the PP. Dear lord.
- Hextall271

He'll be moving upstairs (if he doesn't get himself fired before then).

Then we can stop worrying if a kid will get screwed by the coach and start worrying about whether the kid will get screwed by the co-GM/co-Pres.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 12 @ 10:05 AM ET
I used to watch CNN a lot but I just can't stand the constant Trump news. Tell me about Ukraine, Gaza and real world issues. I don't care that Trump paid off a porn star. The Europeans just laugh at us and I also wonder how effective Trump would be firing up his base if the media simply ignored him and didn't feed the fire? They won't because they need ratings. Crazy world we live in.

Now I read a lot of BBC. CBC here in Canada is WAAY too left leaning.

- Hextall271

9.99 for a 5lb bag of apples?

My standard of living has been decreased if it wasn’t for the 20hrs of overtime I now do every 2 weeks.

Instead that POS focuses on rainbows, and demonizing anyone of European stock who is against their culture being eroded.

I’ve never voted before, sure as hell will next time.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 12 @ 10:10 AM ET
I think you’ve got Brad Shaw penciled in for that job.

They are dead set on being a defense first club for years, so it wouldn’t be shocking to see that continue.

I don’t like the entertainment value of that, but for a team that isn’t really going to have a lot of high end talent - it makes sense.

hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 10:15 AM ET
I would say if he is there he IS arguably the BPA. They have Eiserman going next at 13 and Helenius going to Detroit at 15.
- MBFlyerfan

I was talking about 31/32 pick
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 12 @ 10:17 AM ET
I was talking about 31/32 pick
- hello it's me 2050

Ah yes. Ok
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 10:17 AM ET
9.99 for a 5lb bag of apples?

My standard of living has been decreased if it wasn’t for the 20hrs of overtime I now do every 2 weeks.

Instead that POS focuses on rainbows, and demonizing anyone of European stock who is against their culture being eroded.

I’ve never voted before, sure as hell will next time.

- flyer_nutter

I am 100% stunned how this administration has turned against Israel and supporting terrorist to an extent.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Ersson-Ville, NB, NB
Joined: 01.18.2007

Jun 12 @ 10:22 AM ET
9.99 for a 5lb bag of apples?

My standard of living has been decreased if it wasn’t for the 20hrs of overtime I now do every 2 weeks.

Instead that POS focuses on rainbows, and demonizing anyone of European stock who is against their culture being eroded.

I’ve never voted before, sure as hell will next time.

- flyer_nutter

That's terrible that you have to work so much now. Absolute destruction of the middle class. I am very much pro immigration, but it has to be done smartly. We opened the doors wide and didn't think to link it to housing for new Canadians? Wow.

It's also wild how he has alienated the Prairies to such an extent.
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Jun 12 @ 10:22 AM ET
He'll be moving upstairs (if he doesn't get himself fired before then).

Then we can stop worrying if a kid will get screwed by the coach and start worrying about whether the kid will get screwed by the co-GM/co-Pres.

- Tomahawk

Moving upstairs to do what? To replace Briere or Jonsey? He doesn’t seem like the type that plays well with others. Can’t imagine him not wanting to be in charge.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 10:24 AM ET
Moving upstairs to do what? To replace Briere or Jonsey? He doesn’t seem like the type that plays well with others. Can’t imagine him not wanting to be in charge.
- Dkos

correct, he want sto be the main man in charge.

He will go back to tv as he likes the spotlight.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 12 @ 10:25 AM ET
I am 100% stunned how this administration has turned against Israel and supporting terrorist to an extent.
- hello it's me 2050

It’s a hockey forum, but I’ll bite.

It’s optics. Vote pandering, and trying to stay in power. Nothing more.

It’s interesting how a dead Palestinian life is worth so much more than a dead Ukrainian. Very happy to slaughter a generation of men to fight a war with Russia, and pump how much money into a a problem the US created themselves.

How does one think the war machine would have responded if Putin placed “defense installations” in say Mexico? The West has been inching closer to Moscow for years, and expected no reaction?

I have family close to that border, it is a little more of a personal cause let’s say. Thousands of dead men, for what exactly? Because the US didn’t listen when they were told countless times to stop moving east? Just had to put someone in there that wanted to join NATO instead of leaving Ukraine as a neutral country/buffer?
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jun 12 @ 10:27 AM ET
I am 100% stunned how this administration has turned against Israel and supporting terrorist to an extent.
- hello it's me 2050

The system is totally broken. People are divided by the D/R dynamic when neither of them care about us. We have a system where the government creepily spies on us. The DOJ is weaponized to the point that they can destroy you for nothing. You can even win your case but to do so you get destroyed financially. The process is the punishment.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 12 @ 10:29 AM ET
That's terrible that you have to work so much now. Absolute destruction of the middle class. I am very much pro immigration, but it has to be done smartly. We opened the doors wide and didn't think to link it to housing for new Canadians? Wow.

It's also wild how he has alienated the Prairies to such an extent.

- Hextall271

I used to be pro immigration. Not anymore. Have zero issue saying that.

Not after it’s been a green light to demonized anyone of my sex, and skin colour.

Sold us out as the common enemy all for political gain, and cheap/submissive labour.

We bought our first home last year. I know the housing market well, but I guess it’s the trend to try to force multi generational homes as the norm.

Moved to Canada in ‘97 from Eastern Europe. They have a higher standard of living now, a more stable - and happy population, with less hours worked than I do here.

I’d love to go back, but alas not really feasible now. Maybe one day.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 10:30 AM ET
It’s a hockey forum, but I’ll bite.

It’s optics. Vote pandering, and trying to stay in power. Nothing more.

It’s interesting how a dead Palestinian life is worth so much more than a dead Ukrainian. Very happy to slaughter a generation of men to fight a war with Russia, and pump how much money into a a problem the US created themselves.

How does one think the war machine would have responded if Putin placed “defense installations” in say Mexico? The West has been inching closer to Moscow for years, and expected no reaction?

I have family close to that border, it is a little more of a personal cause let’s say. Thousands of dead men, for what exactly? Because the US didn’t listen when they were told countless times to stop moving east?

- flyer_nutter

a huge part no doubt. Though part is also the shift away from Israel for whatever reason.

2nd bold I agree. comical how they pick their spots so to speak. it is a war, sadly many innocent people will die.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 10:32 AM ET
The system is totally broken. People are divided by the D/R dynamic when neither of them care about us. We have a system where the government creepily spies on us. The DOJ is weaponized to the point that they can destroy you for nothing. You can even win your case but to do so you get destroyed financially. The process is the punishment.
- Minnyhock

as my man vanilla would say, word to your mother. crazy what is happening. biden is just a total pos.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jun 12 @ 10:32 AM ET
they really need to draft without making torts parts of the equation. really be dumb imo to even seek his input.
- hello it's me 2050

Not just Torts but Jones as well. DB has to rely on his scouts and his own decision making.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.27.2020

Jun 12 @ 10:37 AM ET
I want him, he is going to be very good imo. He is someone you roll the dice with.

is he a torts type????

- hello it's me 2050

I’m not signaling you out, but a lot of people keep mentioning if or not players are “Torts types” while I get that style of player who plays hard and back checks is still the archetype that DB/Jonsey like as well those guys also know we need talent. I firmly believe Torts is off the bench in two years. No one from this draft class is likely playing for him.

Even if he gets a spot upstairs, he’s not calling all the shots. Spare me your “you really don’t think Tortarella is in charge stuff” because I’d the ice, no, I really don’t.

That said, this kid seems to be a piece of poop. Not only with the swastika incident (SKETCHY AF THO) but stories of him being a REAL crap teammate and awful person in the locker room. Defacating in players bags and stuff

No thanks!
Location: Driver's Seat: Mitch Marner bandwagon. Grab 'em by the Corsi.
Joined: 02.04.2009

Jun 12 @ 10:40 AM ET
Moving upstairs to do what? To replace Briere or Jonsey? He doesn’t seem like the type that plays well with others. Can’t imagine him not wanting to be in charge.
- Dkos

He reportedly angled to move into the FO in Columbus but was rebuffed. Guy is nearing the end of his coaching years and probably doesn't want to have his paycheck/influence tethered to short term wins/losses. Moving into management likely prolongs his career by decades. Start out as VP of something or other, still be in control via the triumvirate, then Senior Advisor for life. Much easier to leave a lasting legacy that way.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 12 @ 10:41 AM ET
I am 100% stunned how this administration has turned against Israel and supporting terrorist to an extent.
- hello it's me 2050

They literally have Americans being held hostage… the best is the queers for Palestine … maybe they should think it through.😂
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 10:42 AM ET
Moving upstairs to do what? To replace Briere or Jonsey? He doesn’t seem like the type that plays well with others. Can’t imagine him not wanting to be in charge.
- Dkos

He does want to be in charge and he for all intents and purposes, he is.
Minnesota Wild
Joined: 06.26.2021

Jun 12 @ 10:44 AM ET
He reportedly angled to move into the FO in Columbus but was rebuffed. Guy is nearing the end of his coaching years and probably doesn't want to have his paycheck/influence tethered to short term wins/losses. Moving into management likely prolongs his career by decades. Start out as VP of something or other, still be in control via the triumvirate, then Senior Advisor for life. Much easier to leave a lasting legacy that way.
- Tomahawk

Decades. He’s 65. The prospect of having him with organizational influence into his 80s is pretty scary.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Unleash the Peanuts, MB
Joined: 10.16.2008

Jun 12 @ 10:46 AM ET
He reportedly angled to move into the FO in Columbus but was rebuffed. Guy is nearing the end of his coaching years and probably doesn't want to have his paycheck/influence tethered to short term wins/losses. Moving into management likely prolongs his career by decades. Start out as VP of something or other, still be in control via the triumvirate, then Senior Advisor for life. Much easier to leave a lasting legacy that way.
- Tomahawk

It’s likely where it’s headed. It’s already been said on STG I believe.

As much as I detest the Flyer family, alumni, and the country club management system…

That’s the reality of what’s going to happen under Comcast. There is a path to success here even if I don’t agree with it, and it’s primarily set in the skill of asset/cap allocation.

If they aren’t going to have a young stable of elite talent, they will have to sign it via FA or trade. Their pro scouting has been abysmal for a decade, and that needs to drastically improve.

They made the right call not chasing Gaudreau. A wrong one with Couturier. What’s imo a poor decision coming with TK.

See what happens. For as much as I female dog about their amateur scouting choices, and refusal to tank, it’s their pro scouting that as is as much of the issue.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 10:46 AM ET
I’m not signaling you out, but a lot of people keep mentioning if or not players are “Torts types” while I get that style of player who plays hard and back checks is still the archetype that DB/Jonsey like as well those guys also know we need talent. I firmly believe Torts is off the bench in two years. No one from this draft class is likely playing for him.

Even if he gets a spot upstairs, he’s not calling all the shots. Spare me your “you really don’t think Tortarella is in charge stuff” because I’d the ice, no, I really don’t.

That said, this kid seems to be a piece of poop. Not only with the swastika incident (SKETCHY AF THO) but stories of him being a REAL crap teammate and awful person in the locker room. Defacating in players bags and stuff

No thanks!

- Wingdestroyer

If you have the most pull and the most influence. If you are setting the path on how the team is going to play and be built, then whether you hold the titles or not, you are in charge.
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Jun 12 @ 10:47 AM ET
Anyone else read the interview with Flahr in the Inquirer? I don’t know if he’s trying to be cagey and not say anything, but he does not come off sounding very impressive. Very rudimentary explanation of things. It reminded me of the scene in that Ricky Gervais show, Extras, where Ian McKellen explains his acting process. “I imagine I’m the character and then I pretend I am that character “
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