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Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.27.2020

Jun 12 @ 10:58 AM ET
If you have the most pull and the most influence. If you are setting the path on how the team is going to play and be built, then whether you hold the titles or not, you are in charge.

So is Pat Verbeek not in charge because his coach has the responsibility to do the same thing?
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Jun 12 @ 11:01 AM ET
He does want to be in charge and he for all intents and purposes, he is.

According to Flahr he has zero influence in the draft beyond requesting players who are highly motivated
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 11:14 AM ET
So is Pat Verbeek not in charge because his coach has the responsibility to do the same thing?
- Wingdestroyer

Can you document in any way that Anaheim's coach has the same influence over the team and how it operates that Tortorella has here? I'm unaware of the hierarchy arrangement in Anaheim. I don't think the situation in Anaheim is anyway relevant to the situation with the Flyers.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 11:16 AM ET
According to Flahr he has zero influence in the draft beyond requesting players who are highly motivated
- Dkos

I don't believe Flahr. While I don't believe that Tortorella is directly or deeply involved at the scouting level. He has a huge influence on what kind and type of players the Flyers are looking at.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 11:25 AM ET
I’m not signaling you out, but a lot of people keep mentioning if or not players are “Torts types” while I get that style of player who plays hard and back checks is still the archetype that DB/Jonsey like as well those guys also know we need talent. I firmly believe Torts is off the bench in two years. No one from this draft class is likely playing for him.

Even if he gets a spot upstairs, he’s not calling all the shots. Spare me your “you really don’t think Tortarella is in charge stuff” because I’d the ice, no, I really don’t.

That said, this kid seems to be a piece of poop. Not only with the swastika incident (SKETCHY AF THO) but stories of him being a REAL crap teammate and awful person in the locker room. Defacating in players bags and stuff

No thanks!

- Wingdestroyer

I agree it is unlikely any of these players will play under torts. I also do not think he goes "upstairs" in any meaningful decision making role.

Torts imo is calling the shots at the nhl level. or has a huge say.

flyers have employed way worse thought-out their history.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 11:26 AM ET
They literally have Americans being held hostage… the best is the queers for Palestine … maybe they should think it through.😂
- landros 2

lol...uneducated fools
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 12 @ 11:31 AM ET
9.99 for a 5lb bag of apples?

My standard of living has been decreased if it wasn’t for the 20hrs of overtime I now do every 2 weeks.

Instead that POS focuses on rainbows, and demonizing anyone of European stock who is against their culture being eroded.

I’ve never voted before, sure as hell will next time.

- flyer_nutter

Arby's thanks you for your service
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Jun 12 @ 11:31 AM ET
I don't believe Flahr. While I don't believe that Tortorella is directly or deeply involved at the scouting level. He has a huge influence on what kind and type of players the Flyers are looking at.

He’s the coach. Shouldn’t he have some influence?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.27.2020

Jun 12 @ 11:32 AM ET
Can you document in any way that Anaheim's coach has the same influence over the team and how it operates that Tortorella has here? I'm unaware of the hierarchy arrangement in Anaheim. I don't think the situation in Anaheim is anyway relevant to the situation with the Flyers.

I don’t follow the Ducks enough, do you? I would think it would be considered a FACT that “setting the path…” would be a responsibility of the coach in hockey right? And it’s a FACT Anaheim has a coach.

We had a whole fact vs feelings discussion yesterday….you feel like Torts has all the power but in fact he’s in the same position as any coach.

DB makes the trades and personnel moves, Pat Verbeek makes the trades and personnel moves.

That’s all I the facts I can give ya
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 12 @ 11:33 AM ET
He’s the coach. Shouldn’t he have some influence?
- Dkos

for the draft? not in my opinion.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 12 @ 11:34 AM ET
I don't believe Flahr. While I don't believe that Tortorella is directly or deeply involved at the scouting level. He has a huge influence on what kind and type of players the Flyers are looking at.

lol there it is. you either take what these guys say at face value or think they are lying depending on how it lines up with your narrative.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 12 @ 11:48 AM ET
He’s the coach. Shouldn’t he have some influence?
- Dkos

No. He is a short timer compared to someone who may be on the team for 5, 8, 10 years after he is gone.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 11:56 AM ET
He’s the coach. Shouldn’t he have some influence?
- Dkos

Of course but the context is about who is in charge. My premise is if you have the most influence, which I believe Tortorella has by far, then that is who is really in charge. This franchise as of now, has completely hitched their wagon to Tortorella.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 12:00 PM ET
I don’t follow the Ducks enough, do you? I would think it would be considered a FACT that “setting the path…” would be a responsibility of the coach in hockey right? And it’s a FACT Anaheim has a coach.

- Wingdestroyer

No I don't but I don't have to since I'm not the person who brought them into it. No I don't think it is normally the coach who sets the path of the franchise over the GM or Team President on POHO.

We had a whole fact vs feelings discussion yesterday….you feel like Torts has all the power but in fact he’s in the same position as any coach.

DB makes the trades and personnel moves, Pat Verbeek makes the trades and personnel moves.

That’s all I the facts I can give ya

- Wingdestroyer

I think you're mistaken with the statement that Briere makes the trades and personnel moves. That is not how the Flyers are set up. Other than that. I don't see anything there relevant to the Flyers.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 02.27.2020

Jun 12 @ 1:39 PM ET
No I don't but I don't have to since I'm not the person who brought them into it. No I don't think it is normally the coach who sets the path of the franchise over the GM or Team President on POHO.

I think you're mistaken with the statement that Briere makes the trades and personnel moves. That is not how the Flyers are set up. Other than that. I don't see anything there relevant to the Flyers.


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Torts either. We share a ton of sentiments about the guy. But at the end of the day, he ISNT the boss.

I THINK (and hope) some moves are gonna be made before this next season showcasing Daniel Briere’s vision for the Flyers. Drafting Michov I think is a start in that…say what you will but trading Walker also shows that (no way Torts wanted that to happen).

Summation: Torts annoys me but Briere/Jones are also doing what they feel is best. Time will tell if they are morons as well
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:13 PM ET
It’s like a battle of wits with the unarmed. Seriously. Give it up. In the real word, facts prevail, not emotion, opinions, or feelings.
- mikeyo27

So, I notice to my disappointment but lack of surprise, that the "slaying" still hasn't occurred . I suspected as much, but did hope that something intelligent would arise (for once).

The reason for my skepticism was because you invoked legal knowledge. But my post had little to do with legal issues. Items 1-4, 6 and 7 are simply current events. There are dozens of news articles, from across the political spectrum, that would verify them.

Point 5 is more legal. But also true. The case first started in DC. The grand jury indictment was there. The special counsel's office has said that they could have tried it there: "I can say that the investigation that was ongoing before the DC grand jury had – had adequate nexus to continue in Washington. I’m not prepared to comment on the date on which a decision to charge in Florida was made or what the internal deliberations were on that subject."

That leaves Point 8. Technically speaking, there are provisions where the AG could refuse to act on anything that the Special Counsel has decided, but that is under extreme circumstances. It has never ever happened. The closest we had was the Saturday Night Massacre.

In summary, I was not engaging in hyperbole when I stated there was nothing in wrong with any of the points.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:18 PM ET
I dunno. Poilievre chomping on an apple when answering questions was a pretty hilarious moment.
- Hesh_

I like checks and balances. The Liberal Party has had a long run. The Conservative Party in Canada is old school and not full of the MAGA tpes.

Nothing wrong at all if the conservatives return to power.

Speaking of international politics, I am salivating over the fact the 350 year old conservative party in the UK could be wiped out. I am hoping for a 250 seat majority.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:27 PM ET
The issue is you should probably branch out from CNN and MSNBC… it’s like you use their talking points verbatim. Unfortunately it is the way now…in your own little tribe so scared of being on the wrong side. As others have stated, your inability to look at this rationally shows a lack of “real” intellectual thought… hell not even that… just common sense.
- landros 2

The problem with guys like you is that your world outside hockey and your immediate lives is so small that you cannot fathom that someone else may come to conclusions without the few mechanisms that you think exists.

Here is my daily reading: NYT and through it, Le Monde (France. NYT provides access to it at a very low price like it does the Athletic). Wapo. Wall Street Journal. The Times of London. The Financial Times. The Guardian. I have subscriptions to the first 6, and the Guardian is free.

I also subscribe to The Economist and Foreign Affairs in print, and a friend gifted me the New Yorker. I don't always have time to read them. I also am fortunate to work in an big university, and so a lot of seminars/discussions etc are going on all the time about such matters.

I think I last watched CNN other than emergency coverage (floods/earthquakes etc) for more than an 10-15 mins maybe in the 1990s? Certainly not in the last 25 years. I have never watched MSNBC.

Having said that, the mechanisms one uses to arrive at such conclusions are not particularly relevant. The embarassing horsehit you have spouted in the last 2 days cannot be excused by limited access. They arise because you pay little attention, and resort to correlations and cliches to come up with your pov, as evidenced by the fact that you knew almost nothing about the issues that could justify your cuckoo conspiracy theory.

EDIT: How could I forget. I also subscribe to the Globe and Mail. I think I pay $1 a month. I sometimes forget about visiting it though.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:31 PM ET
I actually watch both CNN and Fox and try to form my opinions after I hear both sides. CNN is so anti Trump just the way Fox was with Obama….there really not News anymore…it’s simply one sides spin and opinion pieces.
- landros 2

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:33 PM ET
9.99 for a 5lb bag of apples?

My standard of living has been decreased if it wasn’t for the 20hrs of overtime I now do every 2 weeks.

Instead that POS focuses on rainbows, and demonizing anyone of European stock who is against their culture being eroded.

I’ve never voted before, sure as hell will next time.

- flyer_nutter

Where are you shopping?

Ha ha. Oh my. Which "culture" do people of "European stock" have in common again?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:36 PM ET
I used to watch CNN a lot but I just can't stand the constant Trump news. Tell me about Ukraine, Gaza and real world issues. I don't care that Trump paid off a porn star. The Europeans just laugh at us and I also wonder how effective Trump would be firing up his base if the media simply ignored him and didn't feed the fire? They won't because they need ratings. Crazy world we live in.

Now I read a lot of BBC. CBC here in Canada is WAAY too left leaning.

- Hextall271

The Guardian is free.

Get a VPN, set your IP to the UK and go to BBC iplayer. Create an account with any email address.

They will ask if you have a "TV license". Just say yes.

And then you will have access to good quality tv news all the time. Its what I listen to when I work out on the step machine.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:39 PM ET
I am 100% stunned how this administration has turned against Israel and supporting terrorist to an extent.
- hello it's me 2050

Your "100" % reactions, stunned or otherwise, stem from reactions to things that don't exist. That is why the dial moves so quickly in the opposite direction.

"Supporting terrorism." ha ha.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 12 @ 3:47 PM ET
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Torts either. We share a ton of sentiments about the guy. But at the end of the day, he ISNT the boss.

I THINK (and hope) some moves are gonna be made before this next season showcasing Daniel Briere’s vision for the Flyers. Drafting Michov I think is a start in that…say what you will but trading Walker also shows that (no way Torts wanted that to happen).

Summation: Torts annoys me but Briere/Jones are also doing what they feel is best. Time will tell if they are morons as well

- Wingdestroyer

Tortorella has the most influence. He is running the show. No doubt.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:50 PM ET
It’s a hockey forum, but I’ll bite.

It’s optics. Vote pandering, and trying to stay in power. Nothing more.

It’s interesting how a dead Palestinian life is worth so much more than a dead Ukrainian. Very happy to slaughter a generation of men to fight a war with Russia, and pump how much money into a a problem the US created themselves.

How does one think the war machine would have responded if Putin placed “defense installations” in say Mexico? The West has been inching closer to Moscow for years, and expected no reaction?

I have family close to that border, it is a little more of a personal cause let’s say. Thousands of dead men, for what exactly? Because the US didn’t listen when they were told countless times to stop moving east? Just had to put someone in there that wanted to join NATO instead of leaving Ukraine as a neutral country/buffer?

- flyer_nutter

You have it backwards, surely? US bombs are helping Israel invade, while US artillery is helping Ukraine defend.

NATO is a purely defensive organization. It has been used twice since its existence. Once after 9-11. Once by invitation of the UN in the former Yugoslavia.

Russia has a history of invading and installing puppet governments. Hungary. Czechoslovakia. East Germany. Chechnya. Georgia. Afghanistan (attempted but failed).

Is Russia actually threatened by fortifications that are purely defensive? Or is it that their divine right to invade and interfere that is actually threatened? And how did it work out with Sweden and Finland joining NATO, abandoning their neutrality that even survived the Cold War? Is Russia more or less threatened now by NATO?

The countries that are close to Russia. Are they destined then to simply live out their existence waiting to be overrun by the Kremlin? They cannot get a defense pact?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 12 @ 3:53 PM ET
I used to be pro immigration. Not anymore. Have zero issue saying that.

Not after it’s been a green light to demonized anyone of my sex, and skin colour.

Sold us out as the common enemy all for political gain, and cheap/submissive labour.

We bought our first home last year. I know the housing market well, but I guess it’s the trend to try to force multi generational homes as the norm.

Moved to Canada in ‘97 from Eastern Europe. They have a higher standard of living now, a more stable - and happy population, with less hours worked than I do here.

I’d love to go back, but alas not really feasible now. Maybe one day.

- flyer_nutter

That's odd. I recall a quote from you in 2015 or so. It was also about immigration and also anti. Maybe I am making a mistake.

Aren't you some kind of nurse/nursing aide?
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