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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Tippett, TIFH
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: DE
Joined: 02.13.2013

Jun 11 @ 2:11 PM ET
Not such a great day in Florida where a 78 year old convicted felon just lost his the-justice-system-is-rigged talking point.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: DE
Joined: 02.13.2013

Jun 11 @ 2:13 PM ET
Why? He’s an admitted addict. There were texts from him admitting he was using during the time of the purchase. Seemed pointless, to me, for him to not just admit guilt to begin with.

I wonder how many drug users answer yes to that question when they are filling out the forms to purchase a gun?

- Dkos

I'm sure we will now see tons of people prosecuted solely for lying on that form given that America is awash in guns and opioids.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 2:13 PM ET
It was 20 years ago that Torts won his Cup with an All star roster in a league with no salary cap. Since then he's won five playoff series. Is that mainly his fault, or the fault of hundreds of different players across five teams?


- Feanor

He is 9th all-time in wins for a coach.

out of 21 playoff series, he's won 10
out of 29 playoff series, Lavi's won 16

both are floating close to 50%, Lavi being a bit better.

1 cup each. only 19 coaches in the history of the NHL have won 2 or more.

Mainly his fault? hardly...
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 2:16 PM ET
can you show me proof where every legal expert thought that?

many also thought trump wouldn't be convicted.

- hello it's me 2050

Well, I obviously cannot link to every single expert; that was a figurative statement. But I can provide pretty strong evidence.

1. The DOJ is a very conservative institution. The government taking a private citizen to court and coming up empty is a big black eye for the govt. They don't go to trial unless they have a very very strong case. As a certain segment of the populaiton have become more and more anti-govt since the Gingrich years, this conviction rate has become higher and higher and now it is well over 99%.

2. Here is a link to a compilation of betting odds. https://www.thesportsgeek...betting-odds-predictions/
Conviction odds are 85%.

hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 2:17 PM ET
Not such a great day in Florida where a 78 year old convicted felon just lost his the-justice-system-is-rigged talking point.
- Feanor

The Donald 2024 get on board.

Didn't lose that talking point at all.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 2:19 PM ET
Well, I obviously cannot link to every single expert; that was a figurative statement. But I can provide pretty strong evidence.

1. The DOJ is a very conservative institution. The government taking a private citizen to court and coming up empty is a big black eye for the govt. They don't go to trial unless they have a very very strong case. As a certain segment of the populaiton have become more and more anti-govt since the Gingrich years, this conviction rate has become higher and higher and now it is well over 99%.

2. Here is a link to a compilation of betting odds. https://www.thesportsgeek...betting-odds-predictions/
Conviction odds are 85%.

- PT21

of course they had a very strong case. in his home town and the biden nameno way though they would convict. that is why imo he wanted a trial.

will he do jail time?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jun 11 @ 2:20 PM ET

He is 9th all-time in wins for a coach.

out of 21 playoff series, he's won 10
out of 29 playoff series, Lavi's won 16

both are floating close to 50%, Lavi being a bit better.

1 cup each. only 19 coaches in the history of the NHL have won 2 or more.

Mainly his fault? hardly...

- anti-lame

I’d also like to know how many “All-Star rosters” Torts has had in his career. I love Lavi, in fact I prefer him. With this said, Lavi has had pretty good predators, Hurricanes, Flyers And currently a pretty good Rangers team. All of which had big names. You can’t build a fire without logs.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 11 @ 2:20 PM ET
Not such a great day in Florida where a 78 year old convicted felon just lost his the-justice-system-is-rigged talking point.
- Feanor

One was a guy who’s internal accounting department mis categorized a payment that turned into a felony because he was trying to hide it from the public for an election he won the year before… the other guys a crack head who lied on a federal gun form and despite being a very harsh penalty is guilty. Both are a waste of resources and $. Only one is politically motivated.
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Gritty, PA
Joined: 01.15.2007

Jun 11 @ 2:22 PM ET
One was a guy who’s internal accounting department mis categorized a payment that turned into a felony because he was trying to hide it from the public for an election he won the year before… the other guys a crack head who lied on a federal gun form and despite being a very harsh penalty is guilty. Both are a waste of resources and $. Only one is politically motivated.
- landros 2

I’d be very happy to see both do time.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 2:25 PM ET
One was a guy who’s internal accounting department mis categorized a payment that turned into a felony because he was trying to hide it from the public for an election he won the year before… the other guys a crack head who lied on a federal gun form and despite being a very harsh penalty is guilty. Both are a waste of resources and $. Only one is politically motivated.
- landros 2

all banging a Skank while a private citizen in 2006....
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 2:27 PM ET
I’d also like to know how many “All-Star rosters” Torts has had in his career. I love Lavi, in fact I prefer him. With this said, Lavi has had pretty good predators, Hurricanes, Flyers And currently a pretty good Rangers team. All of which had big names. You can’t build a fire without logs.
- roenick97

I like Lavi more also. I mainly use him as an example because he also coached for the Flyers, American born like Torts, Lavi sitting at 7th all-time. Pretty comparable, Lavi clearly being a little better.

But also people just eat everything he does up and he only gets slightly better results. It's completely biased. At the end of the day folks are sh!tting on a guy who is in the top 10 coaches of all-time and could pass AL ARBOUR next year - to put things into perspective.

I will not give 2 sh!ts when Torts is fired. It's not even that I'm trying to defend him - but the clear bias against a guy with that much success as an NHL coach from some armchair GMs is laughable.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 2:34 PM ET
of course they had a very strong case. in his home town and the biden nameno way though they would convict. that is why imo he wanted a trial.

will he do jail time?

- hello it's me 2050

The 1930s are over. The "Biden name"? Seriously?

Very unlikely is what I read

coffee junkie
Joined: 02.25.2007

Jun 11 @ 2:37 PM ET
"G" has zero to do with anything florida related slapnuts. you seemed to imply he did.

best thing "G" ever did was go back home if not Florida would never be where they are last 2 years. so maybe in that sense he does have a lot to do with their last 2 years succes

- hello it's me 2050

Learn to read you fing idiot. I suggested nothing. You need to go back to second grade you fing idiot!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 2:38 PM ET
One was a guy who’s internal accounting department mis categorized a payment that turned into a felony because he was trying to hide it from the public for an election he won the year before… the other guys a crack head who lied on a federal gun form and despite being a very harsh penalty is guilty. Both are a waste of resources and $. Only one is politically motivated.
- landros 2

Your timeline is a little mixed up. If the "hiding" had occurred after the elections, there is no way the misdemeanours could have been bundled into a felony, which was done under the charge that those "miscategorizations" were done to hide it from the public during an election year.

Agree about waste of time/resources.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 11 @ 2:38 PM ET
Not such a great day in Florida where a 78 year old convicted felon just lost his the-justice-system-is-rigged talking point.
- Feanor

One was a guy who’s internal accounting department mis categorized a payment that turned into a felony because he was trying to hide it from the public for an election he won the year before… the other guys a crack head who lied on a federal gun form and despite being a very harsh penalty is guilty. Both are a waste of resources and $. Only one is politically motivated.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.24.2012

Jun 11 @ 2:39 PM ET
I'm sure we will now see tons of people prosecuted solely for lying on that form given that America is awash in guns and opioids.
- Feanor

Probably would see more prosecuted for such a charge if they openly lie with clear and accompanying evidence, such as pictures off a personal laptop.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 11 @ 2:40 PM ET
of course they had a very strong case. in his home town and the biden nameno way though they would convict. that is why imo he wanted a trial.

will he do jail time?

- hello it's me 2050

He shouldn’t. Not for this.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 11 @ 2:45 PM ET
Not a good look for the league:
- Feanor

I've been trying to use the puckpedia website just to get used to it. The whole interface is confusing and trash.

capfriendly is so intuitive and easy to use. It's all right there in front of you.

I hope someone comes up with something that works.

Also, it's amazing to me that every team didn't have its own.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 2:48 PM ET
The 1930s are over. The "Biden name"? Seriously?

Very unlikely is what I read

- PT21

no I am joking . the biden name has no clout in Delaware. just around the world.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 11 @ 2:48 PM ET
He shouldn’t. Not for this.
- landros 2

It would be ironic for him to get a lenient penalty considering it is the exact law his father is pushing for harder punishments.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 07.05.2011

Jun 11 @ 2:49 PM ET
He shouldn’t. Not for this.
- landros 2

I’m certainly no Biden fan and I’m sure many in the family deserve jail time. For this case though fine and probation. I’m no fan of the police state against anyone.
Let’s not parse words. The police state in this country is live and well. The process is the punishment.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 11 @ 2:49 PM ET
Your timeline is a little mixed up. If the "hiding" had occurred after the elections, there is no way the misdemeanours could have been bundled into a felony, which was done under the charge that those "miscategorizations" were done to hide it from the public during an election year.

Agree about waste of time/resources.

- PT21

Hopefully the Supreme Court will have its say. It’s interesting that the premise is this misdemeanours you speak of are only a felony if they are tied to a federal crime ? Since when does a the NY DA have jurisdiction for a federal crime….I’ll help ya…they don’t. I’ve never seen a case where the actual crime is finally spelled out in the closing statements… I have no dog in the fight. I don’t like either candidate. I think there has to be better options on both sides. But I also think the weaponization/timing of all four cases don’t paint a very good look.
coffee junkie
Joined: 02.25.2007

Jun 11 @ 2:51 PM ET
I can’t believe I’m wasting my time with politics here:
One person takes responsibility for their (kids) wrong doing. The other makes threats that could disrupt the whole country. Trump is incredibly dangerous to democracy, justice, and all that America stands for. Get a (frank)ing clue. Trump is not only crazy and seline, he is dangerous to a similar level of all dictators currently and before him. If you love America, you can only vote for one persons, older by one year, Joe Biden. I don’t love the guy, but he doesn’t want to be supreme leader until he dies.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.24.2012

Jun 11 @ 2:56 PM ET
I can’t believe I’m wasting my time with politics here:
One person takes responsibility for their (kids) wrong doing. The other makes threats that could disrupt the whole country. Trump is incredibly dangerous to democracy, justice, and all that America stands for. Get a (frank)ing clue. Trump is not only crazy and seline, he is dangerous to a similar level of all dictators currently and before him. If you love America, you can only vote for one persons, older by one year, Joe Biden. I don’t love the guy, but he doesn’t want to be supreme leader until he dies.

- coffee junkie

I can understand your passion, but let’s not forget that one person and their party is attempting to jail their political opponent under the most spurious charges and it’s not Trump. Pretty third world stuff, I’d say.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Be nice from now on, NJ
Joined: 03.17.2006

Jun 11 @ 2:56 PM ET
I can’t believe I’m wasting my time with politics here:
One person takes responsibility for their (kids) wrong doing. The other makes threats that could disrupt the whole country. Trump is incredibly dangerous to democracy, justice, and all that America stands for. Get a (frank)ing clue. Trump is not only crazy and seline, he is dangerous to a similar level of all dictators currently and before him. If you love America, you can only vote for one persons, older by one year, Joe Biden. I don’t love the guy, but he doesn’t want to be supreme leader until he dies.

- coffee junkie

you watch too much MSNBC.
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