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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Tippett, TIFH
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landros 2
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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 11 @ 3:56 PM ET
a bastion of morale

- anti-lame

Isn’t he an Epstein Island guy?
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 3:58 PM ET
Isn’t he an Epstein Island guy?
- landros 2

only if you believe witness accounts detailing his excursions
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.24.2012

Jun 11 @ 3:58 PM ET
a bastion of morale

- anti-lame

I think you meant “morals.”
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:00 PM ET
I think you meant “morals.”
- Sublime55

lol the e is close to the s
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:00 PM ET
I do not. He has the power to do many of the things he has said he would through executive actions. Why use that term? When you couple that with the life he has led, and his open admiration of dictators around the world (Putin, Xi, Duterte), there seems to be cause for concern.
- PT21

The World was a far safer place when Trump was President than Biden. They said he was going to start wars. He is the only President who didn't start a war. In fact, enemies were in control. The situation was better with S Korea. There was the Abraham accords where countries in the Middle East were actually talking to each other and moving towards peace. Now under Biden, the Middle East is a powder keg. The Hamas attack on Israel would not have happened under Trump. Putin would not have invaded Ukraine under Trump. This is all happening because Biden is feckless and weak and the world knows it. While they feared Trump while he showed strength. For someone of your proclaimed intelligence, you don't seem to understand the difference between diplomacy and actual real admiration.

When he was asked if he was going to be a dicator, he said only for one day. When he would close the border, as it should be, and that he would 'drill baby drill". As we should. I love how he baits the far left liberal nuts and they fall for it.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:01 PM ET
Funny ….when did # 1 come into being? Fairly new law… No?

#2…..I would have preferred the judge allow the expert witness on election law actually take the stand without all the pre conditions.

#3….to me this is election interference and on that level rises to a level that the Supreme Court should here it.

HB or not…you should let your far left rhetoric interfere with common sense. Your better then that.

- landros 2

Depends on your definition of "fairly new". Certainly well before Trump came into scene.

I would have preferred many things. I personally wish Bragg had not brought the case to trial. But he is a DA, and DAs have wide latitude in this country and have very little linkage with washington, DOJ etc. Look at the Philly DA Krasner. And the Manhattan DA office is notorious for being even more independent.

(The only instance I know of judicial interference is not here. It is when Trump fired Preet Bharara. )

And at the end of the day, he was convicted by a a jury of his peers, a jury that was personally vetted by his legal team.

You know nothing about it, say so. Don't try to disguise your embarassing ignorance with nonsensical cliches.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:02 PM ET
The World was a far safer place when Trump was President than Biden. They said he was going to start wars. He is the only President who didn't start a war. In fact, enemies were in control. The situation was better with S Korea. There was the Abraham accords where countries in the Middle East were actually talking to each other and moving towards peace. Now under Biden, the Middle East is a powder keg. The Hamas attack on Israel would not have happened under Trump. Putin would not have invaded Ukraine under Trump. This is all happening because Biden is feckless and weak and the world knows it. While they feared Trump while he showed strength. For someone of your proclaimed intelligence, you don't seem to understand the difference between diplomacy and actual real admiration.

When he was asked if he was going to be a dicator, he said only for one day. When he would close the border, as it should be, and that he would 'drill baby drill". As we should. I love how he baits the far left liberal nuts and they fall for it.


Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:04 PM ET
Depends on your definition of "fairly new". Certainly well before Trump came into scene.

I would have preferred many things. I personally wish Bragg had not brought the case to trial. But he is a DA, and DAs have wide latitude in this country and have very little linkage with washington, DOJ etc. Look at the Philly DA Krasner. And the Manhattan DA office is notorious for being even more independent.

(The only instance I know of judicial interference is not here. It is when Trump fired Preet Bharara. )

And at the end of the day, he was convicted by a a jury of his peers, a jury that was personally vetted by his legal team.

You know nothing about it, say so. Don't try to disguise your embarassing ignorance with nonsensical cliches.

- PT21

Any opinion on the set legal precedence of unanimity , upheld by the Supreme court? How about how his 6th amendment rights were violated? This is just for starters.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.24.2012

Jun 11 @ 4:04 PM ET
lol the e is close to the s

- anti-lame

Completely different word though, so…..
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:06 PM ET
Yea, elections in this country have never been challenged before. The Democrats have never done that!


When was the last time any presidential candidate not just challenged, but challenged in zillions of courts and then failed to accept the verdict that was the same from all the courts?

Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:08 PM ET
Completely different word though, so…..
- Sublime55

yeah that's how different letters work.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:12 PM ET
Depends on your definition of "fairly new". Certainly well before Trump came into scene.

I would have preferred many things. I personally wish Bragg had not brought the case to trial. But he is a DA, and DAs have wide latitude in this country and have very little linkage with washington, DOJ etc. Look at the Philly DA Krasner. And the Manhattan DA office is notorious for being even more independent.

(The only instance I know of judicial interference is not here. It is when Trump fired Preet Bharara. )

And at the end of the day, he was convicted by a a jury of his peers, a jury that was personally vetted by his legal team.

You know nothing about it, say so. Don't try to disguise your embarassing ignorance with nonsensical cliches.

- PT21

Your personal attacks only rear there ugly head when you know you are out of your element. When you have a guy campaign on Getting Trump” you lose the moral high road . Beyond the fact that most normal legal pundits talked of the legal argument that really had to be twisted to a point to even bring the case… it’s ok to admit it’s a political attack… I won’t think any less of you… and I promise not to stoop to your level of personal attacks because I still like ya.😎
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:12 PM ET
Nope lots of projection sir…going right for administrative competence is a strange angle when comparing to the current cabinet that is full of people who’ve failed upwards and the results after 3 years don’t inspire confidence, government and agency-wide.
- Sublime55

He started off with hiring competent people. But then, in true Trump fasion, made a mess and picked fights. Like Tillerson.

After that, there were zillions of examples (Scaramucci!
). But let me mention one that is especially true: Peter Navarro.

Usually, Republicans and Democrats hire from fairly established circles. One group of economists may disagree with another, but they respect each other, and argue with numbers not ideology (at least not openly).

When Navarro was hired, the predominant reaction was not: Oh, I don't agree/I agree. Everywhere, the economist community said: Who? No one had even heard of this guy.

Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.24.2012

Jun 11 @ 4:13 PM ET
yeah that's how different letters work.
- anti-lame

Yes they do…morale is a separate word, one letter off…glad I could clear that up for you…though perhaps morale subconsciously is what you meant to say anyway. 🤷‍♂️
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:15 PM ET
When was the last time any presidential candidate not just challenged, but challenged in zillions of courts and then failed to accept the verdict that was the same from all the courts?
- PT21

It is completely legal and constitutional to challenge elections in court. That is democracy and not a challenge to it. The number of court cases as well as hearings, investigations and rulings that determined that laws were broken during the election, are at an alarming rate. As an example, do you know what a ballot mule is? A ballot mule is someone who goes around and gathers mail in ballots and drops them off in ballot boxes by the bushel full. Which is illegal. There is surveillance footage of this all over the country. In Philadelphia alone, over 1,200 ballot mules were identified. That is just a drop in the bucket to what went on.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:16 PM ET
if trump gets elected and decides not to leave office will you folks be ok with that? be honest.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:18 PM ET
Your personal attacks only rear there ugly head when you know you are out of your element. When you have a guy campaign on Getting Trump” you lose the moral high road . Beyond the fact that most normal legal pundits talked of the legal argument that really had to be twisted to a point to even bring the case… it’s ok to admit it’s a political attack… I won’t think any less of you… and I promise not to stoop to your level of personal attacks because I still like ya.😎
- landros 2

What personal attack? Everything I said there is borne out by your statements. You are asking basic questions which you should have known if you paid a little attention to the case. So, I said so. I am blunt. You know that by now.

Could the case have been motivated by political vendetta? Sure. But that vendetta originated with Bragg. He ran for office based on prosecuting Trump.

There was no known conspiracy of WH or any national body behind the decision to prosecute. And there is a simple bit of evidence proving that: if there was a conspiracy, why would the previous prosecutor (Cyrus Vance) choose to not prosecute the same case?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.24.2012

Jun 11 @ 4:19 PM ET
if trump gets elected and decides not to leave office will you folks be ok with that? be honest.
- anti-lame

He’s already left office once and is term-limited, if elected again. Quite the red herring argument.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:21 PM ET
Pivoting to Covid isn’t much of a flex in 2024 😄
- Sublime55

gee i thought folks around here loved stats...

76% more deaths in republicans. yikes. but hey, they died doing what they loved.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:21 PM ET
It is completely legal and constitutional to challenge elections in court. That is democracy and not a challenge to it. The number of court cases as well as hearings, investigations and rulings that determined that laws were broken during the election, are at an alarming rate. As an example, do you know what a ballot mule is? A ballot mule is someone who goes around and gathers mail in ballots and drops them off in ballot boxes by the bushel full. Which is illegal. There is surveillance footage of this all over the country. In Philadelphia alone, over 1,200 ballot mules were identified. That is just a drop in the bucket to what went on.

Sir, I know your grasp on reality is tenuous. And that you are essentially a cult member.

Here is a reflection of life outside the cult:


Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:21 PM ET
He’s already left office once and is term-limited, if elected again. Quite the red herring argument.
- Sublime55

so then the answer should be an easy one and you haven't answered it yet
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:21 PM ET
The World was a far safer place when Trump was President than Biden. They said he was going to start wars. He is the only President who didn't start a war. In fact, enemies were in control. The situation was better with S Korea. There was the Abraham accords where countries in the Middle East were actually talking to each other and moving towards peace. Now under Biden, the Middle East is a powder keg. The Hamas attack on Israel would not have happened under Trump. Putin would not have invaded Ukraine under Trump. This is all happening because Biden is feckless and weak and the world knows it. While they feared Trump while he showed strength. For someone of your proclaimed intelligence, you don't seem to understand the difference between diplomacy and actual real admiration.

When he was asked if he was going to be a dicator, he said only for one day. When he would close the border, as it should be, and that he would 'drill baby drill". As we should. I love how he baits the far left liberal nuts and they fall for it.


thumbs up!
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:23 PM ET

There was no known conspiracy of WH or any national body behind the decision to prosecute. And there is a simple bit of evidence proving that: if there was a conspiracy, why would the previous prosecutor (Cyrus Vance) choose to not prosecute the same case?

- PT21

Of course there is. The WH was involved. The DOJ sent the 3rd ranked official in the DOJ to go backwards in his career path and go down to the NY local DA's office to help try the case. LOL Are you that obtuse? The previous DA knew that there was no case and no laws broken. When are you going to address my questions on the constitutional principle of unanimity and the 6th amendment violations?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:25 PM ET
Sir, I know your grasp on reality is tenuous. And that you are essentially a cult member.

Here is a reflection of life outside the cult:


- PT21

There are hundreds of court cases out there where it was ruled the law was broken in the election. Especially in states such as Michigan and Arizona and others.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:27 PM ET
The World was a far safer place when Trump was President than Biden. They said he was going to start wars. He is the only President who didn't start a war. In fact, enemies were in control. The situation was better with S Korea. There was the Abraham accords where countries in the Middle East were actually talking to each other and moving towards peace. Now under Biden, the Middle East is a powder keg. The Hamas attack on Israel would not have happened under Trump. Putin would not have invaded Ukraine under Trump. This is all happening because Biden is feckless and weak and the world knows it. While they feared Trump while he showed strength. For someone of your proclaimed intelligence, you don't seem to understand the difference between diplomacy and actual real admiration.

When he was asked if he was going to be a dicator, he said only for one day. When he would close the border, as it should be, and that he would 'drill baby drill". As we should. I love how he baits the far left liberal nuts and they fall for it.


So, if a president happens to be in office when a war starts, it is his fault? FDR was to blame for WW2? Reagan was to blame for the huge turmoil in the mid-east in the 1980s?

There is a world outside the US. And believe it or not, they act on their interests. Trump had nothing to do with the origin or spread of Covid. Would it be fair to blame him for that?

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