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Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.24.2012

Jun 11 @ 4:28 PM ET
so then the answer should be an easy one and you haven't answered it yet

- anti-lame

Silly question that pre-supposes he would. Obviously no one support such action and he like every other president before him has left as part of the succession of power. Also, how could one remain in office if they’re term-limited?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.21.2020

Jun 11 @ 4:29 PM ET
interesting conversation
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:30 PM ET
So, if a president happens to be in office when a war starts, it is his fault? FDR was to blame for WW2? Reagan was to blame for the huge turmoil in the mid-east in the 1980s?

- PT21

You're deflecting. The liberal left nuts said Trump was going to start wars. He did not and the world was much safer and peaceful when Trump was in office. That's just a fact.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:31 PM ET
Silly question that pre-supposes he would. Obviously no one support such action and he like every other president before him has left as part of the succession of power. Also, how could one remain in office if they’re term-limited?
- Sublime55

I guess he would shackle himself to the oval office chair or something.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:36 PM ET
There are hundreds of court cases out there where it was ruled the law was broken in the election. Especially in states such as Michigan and Arizona and others.

Zillions of independent statisticians, acting independently of each other, predicted the outcome of the election. Were they all in on the vote rigging? Judges across the political spectrum, including Trump appointees, have yet to find a single case of election interference that was significant in any way. Were they also in on it?

The Trump base (not every supporter but the base) which includes guys like you, have essentially dropped out of rational world. They see conspiracies everywhere. They don't believe in things that have bilions of data points supporting them (like Covid vaccines etc.). They posit crackpot theories that have had their days in the sun, and another day in the sun, and entire summers in the sun, and still they go on and on.

And btw Dershowitz has long since became a tv guy, way back to the OJ trial. I do respect him for standing up for Trump though.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:36 PM ET
I guess he would shackle himself to the oval office chair or something.


Trump getting elected opened up a lot of people's eyes. Best thing to happen to the USA in a long long time.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:38 PM ET
Zillions of independent statisticians, acting independently of each other, predicted the outcome of the election. Were they all in on the vote rigging? Judges across the political spectrum, including Trump appointees, have yet to find a single case of election interference that was significant in any way. Were they also in on it?

The Trump base (not every supporter but the base) which includes guys like you, have essentially dropped out of rational world. They see conspiracies everywhere. They don't believe in things that have bilions of data points supporting them (like Covid vaccines etc.). They posit crackpot theories that have had their days in the sun, and another day in the sun, and entire summers in the sun, and still they go on and on.

And btw Dershowitz has long since became a tv guy, way back to the OJ trial. I do respect him for standing up for Trump though.

- PT21

call BS on that.

now that's funny coming from such a scholar like yourself.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:40 PM ET
You're deflecting. The liberal left nuts said Trump was going to start wars. He did not and the world was much safer and peaceful when Trump was in office. That's just a fact.

There is certainly.a stupid amount of anti Trump hysteria, as exemplified by Rachel Maddow etc. They make money off it, so ...Lets ignore that.

No US president has started an unprovoked war in many decades. That leaves foreign wars not directly involving us . The fact that they happened during some presidents time and not others has very little to do with us. They are largely geopolitical coincidences.

This business of Trump being "strong" because he acts like a tough guy is largely the same as fans liking Torts because he vents and screams and does bag skates. It is laughably crude.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:42 PM ET
Zillions of independent statisticians, acting independently of each other, predicted the outcome of the election. Were they all in on the vote rigging? Judges across the political spectrum, including Trump appointees, have yet to find a single case of election interference that was significant in any way. Were they also in on it?

- PT21

Deflecting again. There are tons of court cases where it was determined the law was broken in significant manners that brought into question the validity of the election.

The Trump base (not every supporter but the base) which includes guys like you, have essentially dropped out of rational world. They see conspiracies everywhere. They don't believe in things that have bilions of data points supporting them (like Covid vaccines etc.). They posit crackpot theories that have had their days in the sun, and another day in the sun, and entire summers in the sun, and still they go on and on.

And btw Dershowitz has long since became a tv guy, way back to the OJ trial. I do respect him for standing up for Trump though.

- PT21

get vaccinated
You're proving my point. Like most far left liberal nut cases, you can't grasp that people have the constitutional right to not want to get vaccinated. Including when you said those that didn't get vaccinated had no right to love in society. To not want to wear a mask. No matter how many data points there are. Of course we're finding out after the fact how most of the experts got it wrong.
Joined: 11.02.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:43 PM ET
Deflecting again. There are tons of court cases where it was determined the law was broken in significant manners that brought into question the validity of the election.

get vaccinated
You're proving my point. Like most far left liberal nut cases, you can't grasp that people have the constitutional right to not want to get vaccinated. Including when you said those that didn't get vaccinated had no right to love in society. To not want to wear a mask. No matter how many data points there are. Of course we're finding out after the fact how most of the experts got it wrong.


we know 76% more republicans sure did exercise that right
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:43 PM ET
Any opinion on the set legal precedence of unanimity , upheld by the Supreme court? How about how his 6th amendment rights were violated? This is just for starters.

I am happy to have a bet with you.... Usually, though, this is where you start to weasel out.

$100 even money that Trump felony conviction stands?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Canada, MI
Joined: 12.23.2006

Jun 11 @ 4:44 PM ET
The World was a far safer place when Trump was President than Biden. They said he was going to start wars. He is the only President who didn't start a war. In fact, enemies were in control. The situation was better with S Korea. There was the Abraham accords where countries in the Middle East were actually talking to each other and moving towards peace. Now under Biden, the Middle East is a powder keg. The Hamas attack on Israel would not have happened under Trump. Putin would not have invaded Ukraine under Trump. This is all happening because Biden is feckless and weak and the world knows it. While they feared Trump while he showed strength. For someone of your proclaimed intelligence, you don't seem to understand the difference between diplomacy and actual real admiration.

When he was asked if he was going to be a dicator, he said only for one day. When he would close the border, as it should be, and that he would 'drill baby drill". As we should. I love how he baits the far left liberal nuts and they fall for it.


Safer for whom?

Trump didn’t start “world wars” but he did start wars within his own country. Separation. Divide. I’d never been called a N*gger more under his watch, right to my face but hey, I can’t use the race card on this board. It makes most of you uncomfortable. For those it doesn’t make uncomfortable thrive on my anger.

The truth is, Trump is a great salesman. He can’t relate to you. He has more money than god. With this said, just because the American military aren’t sacrificing their lives during his term doesn’t mean there were never inner conflicts brewing. January 6th was avoidable but Trump stirred that pot and that day should be considered an embarrassment in American history…all because he wined about not getting his way.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:45 PM ET
Deflecting again. There are tons of court cases where it was determined the law was broken in significant manners that brought into question the validity of the election.

get vaccinated
You're proving my point. Like most far left liberal nut cases, you can't grasp that people have the constitutional right to not want to get vaccinated. Including when you said those that didn't get vaccinated had no right to love in society. To not want to wear a mask. No matter how many data points there are. Of course we're finding out after the fact how most of the experts got it wrong.


Got what wrong, cranium concrete?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:47 PM ET
There is certainly.a stupid amount of anti Trump hysteria, as exemplified by Rachel Maddow etc. They make money off it, so ...Lets ignore that.

No US president has started an unprovoked war in many decades. That leaves foreign wars not directly involving us . The fact that they happened during some presidents time and not others has very little to do with us. They are largely geopolitical coincidences.

This business of Trump being "strong" because he acts like a tough guy is largely the same as fans liking Torts because he vents and screams and does bag skates. It is laughably crude.

- PT21

Why did Putin invade Ukraine under Biden's watch? PT, your posts are getting deeper and deeper in rhetoric and BS propaganda and are short on facts. You're obviously avoiding the facts of the Bragg trial that I have asked you about.

The world feared Trump and respected him. Even if they didn't like him. That's just a fact. Peace through strength. The world is a safer place when America is strong. Under Biden, America is weak. He is weak and feckless and people like Putin and Xi don't fear him or respect him. Trump has his flaws as a human being for sure but he was was one of the best presidents in modern history. Everything was simply better when Trump was in office than with Biden. Even with a pandemic.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:49 PM ET
Got what wrong, cranium concrete?
- PT21

Pretty much everything. Don't waste your time responding with Covid rhetoric. You're already on record as saying minorities shouldn't be allowed to participate in society if not vaccinated. I'm not interested in a COVID discussion.
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Boynton Beach, FL
Joined: 10.03.2010

Jun 11 @ 4:50 PM ET
jumped on and seen 8 pages, thought there was a trade.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:50 PM ET
Safer for whom?

Trump didn’t start “world wars” but he did start wars within his own country. Separation. Divide. I’d never been called a N*gger more under his watch, right to my face but hey, I can’t use the race card on this board. It makes most of you uncomfortable. For those it doesn’t make uncomfortable thrive on my anger.

The truth is, Trump is a great salesman. He can’t relate to you. He has more money than god. With this said, just because the American military aren’t sacrificing their lives during his term doesn’t mean there were never inner conflicts brewing. January 6th was avoidable but Trump stirred that pot and that day should be considered an embarrassment in American history…all because he wined about not getting his way.

- roenick97

- big dummy

- you talking about the 50% white guy who divided this country? barrack what's his name?

- whoa is me.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:52 PM ET
I am happy to have a bet with you.... Usually, though, this is where you start to weasel out.

$100 even money that Trump felony conviction stands?

- PT21

This is where you make immature and irrational bets that no one is interested in. In a fake and laughable attempt to show strength. The conviction will be overturned. The legal and constitutional violations are endless. Not to mention that there was no evidence of a crime offered in the case.

Again, what is your opinion on the disregard for the legal and constitutional precedence of unanimity as well as the 6th amendment violations?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:52 PM ET
Why did Putin invade Ukraine under Biden's watch? PT, your posts are getting deeper and deeper in rhetoric and BS propaganda and are short on facts. You're obviously avoiding the facts of the Bragg trial that I have asked you about.

The world feared Trump and respected him. Even if they didn't like him. That's just a fact. Peace through strength. The world is a safer place when America is strong. Under Biden, America is weak. He is weak and feckless and people like Putin and Xi don't fear him or respect him. Trump has his flaws as a human being for sure but he was was one of the best presidents in modern history. Everything was simply better when Trump was in office than with Biden. Even with a pandemic.


I am enjoying your post today. Keep up the good work.

what is china and iran gonna do if Biden wins? anyone want to take a guess?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 4:53 PM ET
This is where you make immature and irrational bets that no one is interested in. In a fake and laughable attempt to show strength. The conviction will be overturned. The legal and constitutional violations are endless. Not to mention that there was no evidence of a crime offered in the case.

I will take the bet. Or you take it and I will pay if you lose.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 4:55 PM ET

I am happy to have a bet with you.... Usually, though, this is where you start to weasel out.

$100 even money that Trump felony conviction stands?

- - PT21

This is where you make immature and irrational bets that no one is interested in. In a fake and laughable attempt to show strength. The conviction will be overturned.The legal and constitutional violations are endless. Not to mention that there was no evidence of a crime offered in the case

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 4:58 PM ET


- PT21

There is where it gets to the point where I've obviously won. I enjoy making mince meat out of you PT. I find it very enjoyable to put you in your place.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Jun 11 @ 5:01 PM ET
Why did Putin invade Ukraine under Biden's watch? PT, your posts are getting deeper and deeper in rhetoric and BS propaganda and are short on facts. You're obviously avoiding the facts of the Bragg trial that I have asked you about.

The world feared Trump and respected him. Even if they didn't like him. That's just a fact. Peace through strength. The world is a safer place when America is strong. Under Biden, America is weak. He is weak and feckless and people like Putin and Xi don't fear him or respect him. Trump has his flaws as a human being for sure but he was was one of the best presidents in modern history. Everything was simply better when Trump was in office than with Biden. Even with a pandemic.


I think I have already addressed this. Also, Trump was so pro-Russia in words that maybe Putin felt he didn't need to invade.

And yes, yes, MJL. In your world, which is largely 1970s Rizzoland, obese old guys guys wearing boxy suits who talk tough are 'feared.' They are as feared as Torts is feared by opposing teams on the ice.

In the real world, it is policy that is feared, not personality. And the polcies of Biden and Trump are almost identical on foreign wars.

hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 11 @ 5:05 PM ET
I think I have already addressed this. Also, Trump was so pro-Russia in words that maybe Putin felt he didn't need to invade.

And yes, yes, MJL. In your world, which is largely 1970s Rizzoland, obese old guys guys wearing boxy suits who talk tough are 'feared.' They are as feared as Torts is feared by opposing teams on the ice.

In the real world, it is policy that is feared, not personality. And the polcies of Biden and Trump are almost identical on foreign wars.

- PT21

is it wrong to have russia as an ally instead of a foe?

trumps unpredictability is what those leaders feared. it worked.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Jun 11 @ 5:05 PM ET
I think I have already addressed this. Also, Trump was so pro-Russia in words that maybe Putin felt he didn't need to invade.

And yes, yes, MJL. In your world, which is largely 1970s Rizzoland, obese old guys guys wearing boxy suits who talk tough are 'feared.' They are as feared as Torts is feared by opposing teams on the ice.

In the real world, it is policy that is feared, not personality. And the polcies of Biden and Trump are almost identical on foreign wars.

- PT21

There is zero evidence that Trump was pro Russia. That's another far left liberal nutcase conspiracy theory. The rest of your post is simply unintelligent and childish.

Almost identical. LOL. Trump sanctioned Iran and had them so cash poor that they couldn't do anything and were basically neutralized. Biden on the other hand, in a hapless and laughable strategy of appeasement, freed up billions for Iran that enabled them and led to the Hamas attack on Israel. That's just for starters. You're clueless PT
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