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Forums :: Blog World :: Zach Jarom: Draft and Free Agency Talk With Ben Pope
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Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Joined: 04.17.2011

Jun 19 @ 2:14 PM ET
Calgary seems really bad at trading
- vabeachbear

The Calgary fire sale continues "Everyone must go!!!"

SJ making moves too
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.08.2021

Jun 19 @ 2:29 PM ET
One more time, did Philly goalie try to leave Russia with his bags packed, get stopped before he could leave and conscripted for a yr into the army during a war?

One more time, VB, was Michkov's Pops found floating in a pond face down?

And one more time is there even the most remote chance that EVERY Cossack on earth has to come back to Russia every 5 yrs to renew their passport? ..... Siliyev, with the Utah Club, can't enter Canada to play EDM in rd 2 cuz his passport is not current/valid circa 2028?

I could dig up a few one more times but will end with one more time zero tolerance for risk with the #2 ESPECIALLY with 4-5-7 legit top 5 caliber players on the board.......... That said I see a kid with 100+ point NHL skills and if KD and Crew drafts him I assume they scrubbed this up and down and are as sure as you can be about questions not even thought of yet that the kid will come AND stay despite having family in a country run by a War Pig and his "friends".

And the dopamine spigot runs like a hydrant for this fan cuz my team just took a kid with 100 pt skills... Don't matter though cuz they'll take a RS Dman, with size, can skate, has some bite, some offense, jumped every hurdle coming to the US only 2 yrs ago and a floor of a 2nd pairing guy.

- Mr Ricochet

Demidov. And levshunov is not russian.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.08.2021

Jun 19 @ 2:30 PM ET
Which one will it be?

- boilermaker100

Which of these two are not 18
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Ft Courage - out in the middle of Indian Country, NC
Joined: 10.17.2011

Jun 19 @ 2:35 PM ET
One more time, did Philly goalie try to leave Russia with his bags packed, get stopped before he could leave and conscripted for a yr into the army during a war?

One more time, VB, was Michkov's Pops found floating in a pond face down?

And one more time is there even the most remote chance that EVERY Cossack on earth has to come back to Russia every 5 yrs to renew their passport? ..... Siliyev, with the Utah Club, can't enter Canada to play EDM in rd 2 cuz his passport is not current/valid circa 2028?

I could dig up a few one more times but will end with one more time zero tolerance for risk with the #2 ESPECIALLY with 4-5-7 legit top 5 caliber players on the board.......... That said I see a kid with 100+ point NHL skills and if KD and Crew drafts him I assume they scrubbed this up and down and are as sure as you can be about questions not even thought of yet that the kid will come AND stay despite having family in a country run by a War Pig and his "friends".

And the dopamine spigot runs like a hydrant for this fan cuz my team just took a kid with 100 pt skills... Don't matter though cuz they'll take a RS Dman, with size, can skate, has some bite, some offense, jumped every hurdle coming to the US only 2 yrs ago and a floor of a 2nd pairing guy.

- Mr Ricochet

I don't know about your goalie story, if you say so, I'll take your word for it. I watch a lot of NHL TV and listen to a lot of NHL radio on Sirius, and i have to say I've never heard this story. But just because i've never heard it, doesn't mean its not true.

Sorry, don't understand your point about a passport, I've never heard of anyone in the league not being about to play a playoff game because of this, but again, maybe it does happen. I have remembered players getting delayed after the trade deadline.

Are you saying that Michov said he wanted to leave the KHL and go to the NHL and they murdered his father???

I've made my point that i don't believe its a thing, obviously others do. The kids agent couldn't have been more clear, but hey, why take his word

As with everything else, only matters what KD thinks, and i admit, he has much better info then I do.

I'm not going to push back on it anymore, and will let it go from now on. Thankfully draft is in a week, so point will become mute, unless of course he drafts a Russian.
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 19 @ 2:36 PM ET
The “Russian factor” literally makes no sense. In fact, I’d go so far to call it hysteria over unsubstantiated proof.

Kaprizov came over like 5 years after he was drafted (but he was a mid round pick).

spare me the B.S. of the “Russian factor”. It’s much ado about nothing.

- TommyHawk

Michkov falling to #7 is all the example I need of to substantiate the "Russian Factor". Hockey people who's mortgage is paid by an NHL organIzation pass on a Russian kid much better than they end up drafting is substantiating the "Russian Factor".

Same with Miroshenko going to WSH with the 20ish pick.

Love the Kaprizov example. This is how you draft Russians. Risk 2nd, 3rd rd picks on Russians not top 5 guys, like Kaprizov and Kancerov. And of course, like Kaprizov, you may have to wait 5 yrs for the kid but that's ok if he's not a top half of the 1st rd pick.

"Russian Factor" is BS? Ask MTL, who with the fifth took Reinbacher with Michkov on the board if there is a Russian Factor. ...... As we all have heard since we were little, actions speak loader than words.
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 19 @ 2:52 PM ET
I don't know about your goalie story, if you say so, I'll take your word for it. I watch a lot of NHL TV and listen to a lot of NHL radio on Sirius, and i have to say I've never heard this story. But just because i've never heard it, doesn't mean its not true.

Sorry, don't understand your point about a passport, I've never heard of anyone in the league not being about to play a playoff game because of this, but again, maybe it does happen. I have remembered players getting delayed after the trade deadline.

Are you saying that Michov said he wanted to leave the KHL and go to the NHL and they murdered his father???

- vabeachbear

1. https://www.cbssports.com...ase-in-russia-per-report/

2. I ain't hunting for the reports of the guy who Shrub "looked into his eyes and saw his soul and he's a good man" might make into law any Russian overseas with a passport will need to return to the motherland to every 3-4-5 yrs to renew it.

3. I'm saying Toews or Crosby's Pops weren't found floating face down in a pond. And this kid slipped to number SEVEN!! https://www.hockeyfeed.co...-at-51-in-suspicious-case
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Joined: 04.17.2011

Jun 19 @ 2:58 PM ET
1. https://www.cbssports.com...ase-in-russia-per-report/

2. I ain't hunting for the reports of the guy who Shrub "looked into his eyes and saw his soul and he's a good man" might make into law any Russian overseas with a passport will need to return to the motherland to every 3-4-5 yrs to renew it.

3. I'm saying Toews or Crosby's Pops weren't found floating face down in a pond. And this kid slipped to number SEVEN!! https://www.hockeyfeed.co...-at-51-in-suspicious-case

- Mr Ricochet

Weren't these discussed ad nauseum on this board when they happened?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Joined: 10.01.2006

Jun 19 @ 3:02 PM ET
Michkov falling to #7 is all the example I need of to substantiate the "Russian Factor". Hockey people who's mortgage is paid by an NHL organIzation pass on a Russian kid much better than they end up drafting is substantiating the "Russian Factor".

Same with Miroshenko going to WSH with the 20ish pick.

Love the Kaprizov example. This is how you draft Russians. Risk 2nd, 3rd rd picks on Russians not top 5 guys, like Kaprizov and Kancerov. And of course, like Kaprizov, you may have to wait 5 yrs for the kid but that's ok if he's not a top half of the 1st rd pick.

"Russian Factor" is BS? Ask MTL, who with the fifth took Reinbacher with Michkov on the board if there is a Russian Factor. ...... As we all have heard since we were little, actions speak loader than words.

- Mr Ricochet

So you're saying Michkov being under contract for 3 more years post draft had nothing to do with him dropping to 7th? It was only because he's Russian?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Joined: 10.01.2006

Jun 19 @ 3:08 PM ET
PLD to the Caps for Darcy Kuemper. Straight up.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 06.23.2015

Jun 19 @ 3:08 PM ET
Dubois didn't last long in LA. Off to the Capitals for goalie Darcy Kuemper.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Stamford, CT
Joined: 06.13.2014

Jun 19 @ 3:10 PM ET
PLD to the Caps for Darcy Kuemper. Straight up.
- MartiniMan

You'd think buying Capfriendly would help them realize that this is a really bad idea.
Joined: 11.26.2013

Jun 19 @ 3:27 PM ET
Dubois didn't last long in LA. Off to the Capitals for goalie Darcy Kuemper.
- boilermaker100

Guy is getting passed around the league quite a bit huh
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 19 @ 3:36 PM ET
My main point isn’t size, it’s a question. Does Demidov (or any player in the draft) project as a guy who can play in the rough going? If any player is a guy who projects as guy who has no appetite to play in the tougher areas in tougher games he’s no use, is he?
- paulr

Paul, you're asking a projection question if a 17/18 yr old will play tough in NHL playoff games. Not much different than asking if a kid's fancy skills will translate to the NHL. A projection question that can't be answered 100% until they get to the NHL.

But, if one asks will McTavish's grit translate to the NHL watching him as a jrs player? Sure looked like it would. Same for Lindstrom.

I watched Schmaltz 10 times live and 25 times on video and I'd answer that question, no. ...... So yea, some profile as probably NHL tough, others not so much, but we can only project.

You're saying only draft kids with a profile that projects NHL playoffs tough?

Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 19 @ 3:38 PM ET
Weren't these discussed ad nauseum on this board when they happened?
- wizardofi

The guy asked a question and I answered it. You ain't diggin the content don't read it.
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 19 @ 3:46 PM ET
So you're saying Michkov being under contract for 3 more years post draft had nothing to do with him dropping to 7th? It was only because he's Russian?
- MartiniMan

I'm saying there is, or can be, funk in drafting a Russian and some organIzations and GMs, for varying reasons, have more or less tolerance for funk/risk.

Michkov was talked about in the same breath as Bedard, you tell me why he fell to SEVEN. We can't know for sure and that is a variable of the Russian Factor.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Joined: 04.17.2011

Jun 19 @ 3:47 PM ET
The guy asked a question and I answered it. You ain't diggin the content don't read it.
- Mr Ricochet

No, it wasn't a poke at you, it was at VB
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Joined: 10.01.2006

Jun 19 @ 3:49 PM ET
I'm saying there is, or can be, funk in drafting a Russian and some organIzations and GMs, for varying reasons, have more or less tolerance for funk/risk.

Michkov was talked about in the same breath as Bedard, you tell me why he fell to SEVEN. We can't know for sure and that is a variable of the Russian Factor.

- Mr Ricochet

Bedard wasn't under contract for 3 years, was he? Again, it seems like you refuse to acknowledge that his contract status might have had something to do with it.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Wherever I leave my hat
Joined: 07.26.2006

Jun 19 @ 3:53 PM ET
I'm saying there is, or can be, funk in drafting a Russian and some organIzations and GMs, for varying reasons, have more or less tolerance for funk/risk.

Michkov was talked about in the same breath as Bedard, you tell me why he fell to SEVEN. We can't know for sure and that is a variable of the Russian Factor.

- Mr Ricochet

Have a feeling him signing a multi-year contract until 2026 was a BIG factor as well. Call that the Russian factor (as it was a Russian league) if you will, but that added to the concern. Think that is why Milstein has been emphatically stating Demidov is NOT signing an extension and will be coming over next year.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Post-Tank-alyptic World
Joined: 12.23.2010

Jun 19 @ 3:58 PM ET
Dubois didn't last long in LA. Off to the Capitals for goalie Darcy Kuemper.
- boilermaker100

This move, yet again, gives hope to anyone conjuring up the most speculative, far-fetched trade proposal… because there’s always a chance some idiot GM just might say yes.

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Joined: 04.17.2011

Jun 19 @ 4:01 PM ET
Washington trades sieve for overpaid traffic cone.
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 19 @ 4:01 PM ET
No, it wasn't a poke at you, it was at VB
- wizardofi

My apologies........ As a fan of the Hawks with kids like Levshunov, Buium, D!ckinson, Lindstrom on the board I'm ok with eliminating risk and passing on the BPA, Demidov.

But, I can understand and respect those who don't see the risks I worry about. Or believe the Russian Factor is overblown, or even BS. ...... But, as has been said the final decision, and the only opinion that matters, is KD's.

If the Hawks do draft Demidov they walk away with the #2 ranked player on my board.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Joined: 04.17.2011

Jun 19 @ 4:04 PM ET
My apologies........ As a fan of the Hawks with kids like Levshunov, Buium, D!ckinson, Lindstrom on the board I'm ok with eliminating risk and passing on the BPA, Demidov.

But, I can understand and respect those who don't see the risks I worry about. Or believe the Russian Factor is overblown, or even BS. ...... But, as has been said the final decision, and the only opinion that matters, is KD's.

If the Hawks do draft Demidov they walk away with the #2 ranked player on my board.

- Mr Ricochet

The more I read on the possibilities on who to draft at #2, the more confusing it gets.

Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Post-Tank-alyptic World
Joined: 12.23.2010

Jun 19 @ 4:07 PM ET
Washington trades sieve for overpaid traffic cone.
- wizardofi

I’ll take the sieve for three more years at $5.5M over the traffic cone for seven years at $8.5M (with a NMC too). A bit of crap taco vs turd sandwich - but at least LA woke up and cut their loses from PLD. They gave up a lot of assets to ultimately end up with Kuemper. I have no idea what WSH thinks is going to be a different outcome with this guy?
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Jun 19 @ 4:07 PM ET
Bedard wasn't under contract for 3 years, was he? Again, it seems like you refuse to acknowledge that his contract status might have had something to do with it.
- MartiniMan

Personally, if I had an iron clad guarantee Demidov would be here in 3 yrs he'd be a Hawk. ....... If the McKenzie types were right and Michkov is in the same tier as Bedard would organIzations draft him at #2 and wait the 3 yrs?
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Joined: 04.17.2011

Jun 19 @ 4:09 PM ET
I’ll take the sieve for three more years at $5.5M over the traffic cone for seven years at $8.5M (with a NMC too). A bit of crap taco vs turd sandwich - but at least LA woke up and cut their loses from PLD. They gave up a lot of assets to ultimately end up with Kemper.
- Chief4Feathers

Ya, that looks horrible when you think of what LA gave up for PLD now Kuemper
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