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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits and Musings: McGroarty, Tortorella
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hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 24 @ 3:08 PM ET
keep in mind until proven otherwise TK is the top winger on the team. could be another reason they re-sign him as MM needs " prove" himself.

they want to hedge their bet.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 24 @ 3:10 PM ET
I understand your point about filling organizational needs. However, isn't that potentially a dangerous way to draft in the top 10. Granted, prospect evaluation is an imperfect science. If Demidov evolves into the next Kucherov and Helenius evolves into the next Jokinen, I would venture to guess rhat Helenius would be viewed as the wrong pick. Briere took a big swing last draft. I hope he does it again. I like Helenius and Catton, but I believe Demidov has the best chance to be the best player in this draft outside of Celebrini. Of course, I could be very wrong with that opinion.
- Trox88

Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 24 @ 3:13 PM ET
I got Florida tonight. 4-2. I know EDM has all the momentum but I think FLA gets it done tonight.

Goal Scorers
Tkatchuk, Bennett, Barkov, Montatour

McDavid, Hyman

Florida breaks through on the PP tonight.

- J35Bacher

Swami says 6-2 oilers
Mcdavid Hyman nurse Henrique Foegle Ryan
Florida…. Who cares
New Jersey Devils
Location: HEY. Does this pole still work?, NJ
Joined: 01.14.2011

Jun 24 @ 3:16 PM ET
keep in mind until proven otherwise TK is the top winger on the team. could be another reason they re-sign him as MM needs " prove" himself.

they want to hedge their bet.

- hello it's me 2050

While I want to say there is no way that happens this is exactly the type of thing the Flyers would do and shoot themselves in the foot when they’re capped out a couple years down the line and have big holes to fill elsewhere. In fact that is pretty much the Flyers M.O. anymore. Long term, short-sighted signings.

God, I just want this to be over with and see a trade finalized.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 24 @ 3:19 PM ET
While I want to say there is no way that happens this is exactly the type of thing the Flyers would do and shoot themselves in the foot when they’re capped out a couple years down the line and have big holes to fill elsewhere. In fact that is pretty much the Flyers M.O. anymore. Long term, short-sighted signings.

God, I just want this to be over with and see a trade finalized.

- hereticpride

Tk is absolutely a 1LW you sign him and build around him ~mjl
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 24 @ 3:28 PM ET
keep in mind until proven otherwise TK is the top winger on the team. could be another reason they re-sign him as MM needs " prove" himself.

they want to hedge their bet.

- hello it's me 2050

This is what is terribly wrong. You have your potential superstar coming over, you should be doing whatever you can to find your future center and build around that idea.

Not 8 years, 8-9mill a year for a RW that has never hit the 70 point mark.

Task 1 - Get Michkov over
Task 2 - Find a top center to pair with him
Task 3 - rebuild the roster around tasks 1 and 2.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Jun 24 @ 3:30 PM ET
This is what is terribly wrong. You have your potential superstar coming over, you should be doing whatever you can to find your future center and build around that idea.

Not 8 years, 8-9mill a year for a RW that has never hit the 70 point mark.

Task 1 - Get Michkov over
Task 2 - Find a top center to pair with him
Task 3 - rebuild the roster around tasks 1 and 2.

- J35Bacher

now this may take time. I hope they do not rush to find one, who may not really be one. If that makes sense.

Having MM for a year with say Frost won't kill you. Need to think long term for that center.
New Jersey Devils
Location: HEY. Does this pole still work?, NJ
Joined: 01.14.2011

Jun 24 @ 3:33 PM ET
This is what is terribly wrong. You have your potential superstar coming over, you should be doing whatever you can to find your future center and build around that idea.

Not 8 years, 8-9mill a year for a RW that has never hit the 70 point mark.

Task 1 - Get Michkov over
Task 2 - Find a top center to pair with him
Task 3 - rebuild the roster around tasks 1 and 2.

- J35Bacher


The Flyers need to absolutely be building around Michkov and and not addressing a glaring hole at Center as best you can is as big a mistake as you can make.

Nothing against TK but having him as the 2nd line RW or even 1st line LW is not a luxury they can afford right now.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 24 @ 3:34 PM ET
now this may take time. I hope they do not rush to find one, who may not really be one. If that makes sense.

Having MM for a year with say Frost won't kill you. Need to think long term for that center.

- hello it's me 2050

Agree. Got to be the right fit.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Joined: 04.03.2014

Jun 24 @ 3:38 PM ET

The Flyers need to absolutely be building around Michkov and and not addressing a glaring hole at Center as best you can is as big a mistake as you can make.

Nothing against TK but having him as the 2nd line RW or even 1st line LW is not a luxury they can afford right now.

- hereticpride

With reports of teams like Ott and Buff trying to move their first rounders form immediate help, I would be doing everything I can to get those picks while keeping my own.

Hypothetically say Konecny goes to Ott for 7 in a deal and Laughton to Buff for 11. Flyers then can use 7, 11, 12 and 32 to get pieces to build with. That could be guys like Catton, Eisermann, Parekh, Richardinson. Add that to Michkov plus 2 first rounders next year and you have a base to build with.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 24 @ 3:41 PM ET
With reports of teams like Ott and Buff trying to move their first rounders form immediate help, I would be doing everything I can to get those picks while keeping my own.

Hypothetically say Konecny goes to Ott for 7 in a deal and Laughton to Buff for 11. Flyers then can use 7, 11, 12 and 32 to get pieces to build with. That could be guys like Catton, Eisermann, Parekh, Richardinson. Add that to Michkov plus 2 first rounders next year and you have a base to build with.

- J35Bacher

Devils and Utah in play too. Maybe Columbus also
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 24 @ 3:44 PM ET
- Stayin alive

You’re looking at this the wrong way. It’s not reaching for positional needs. If they stand pat at 12 and all of the D and C are gone, with BPA being one of Iginla, Sennecke, Eiserman and they decide to draft Hage or Boisvert then that would be reaching for positional need.

There is no guarantee that Demidov will be a superstar. Most evaluators rank him in a tier below Michkov. They will need to get to at least 4th overall to select Demidov. So you guys are advocating they trade TK, Farabee, Laughton, and 12th overall for him. Hes not that good! You’re acting like he’s the 2nd coming of Eric Lindros. Demidov will likely be a very good player in this league but he doesn’t play center and the Flyers already have a potential superstar winger in Michkov. Trading the assets above to get 7th and 11th overall and drafting a potential #1D and a top 6 center is significantly better value. It’s also not reaching for position as they’d be drafting players ranked at those spots. I posted before, championship teams don’t invest a lot in multiple high end wingers. Look at the struggles Toronto has had with Nylander and Marner but no true #1D or depth scoring. A 1D alone is worth way more than a star winger. I’d also rather be paying a high end 2C rather than a #2W.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 24 @ 3:47 PM ET
now this may take time. I hope they do not rush to find one, who may not really be one. If that makes sense.

Having MM for a year with say Frost won't kill you. Need to think long term for that center.

- hello it's me 2050

Exactly. They can get a potential 1D and a likely high end 2C in this draft if they make the right trades. Then next year they can get their potential 1C in the ‘25 draft which is significantly deeper at C.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 24 @ 3:58 PM ET
You’re looking at this the wrong way. It’s not reaching for positional needs. If they stand pat at 12 and all of the D and C are gone, with BPA being one of Iginla, Sennecke, Eiserman and they decide to draft Hage or Boisvert then that would be reaching for positional need.

There is no guarantee that Demidov will be a superstar. Most evaluators rank him in a tier below Michkov. They will need to get to at least 4th overall to select Demidov. So you guys are advocating they trade TK, Farabee, Laughton, and 12th overall for him. Hes not that good! You’re acting like he’s the 2nd coming of Eric Lindros. Demidov will likely be a very good player in this league but he doesn’t play center and the Flyers already have a potential superstar winger in Michkov. Trading the assets above to get 7th and 11th overall and drafting a potential #1D and a top 6 center is significantly better value. It’s also not reaching for position as they’d be drafting players ranked at those spots. I posted before, championship teams don’t invest a lot in multiple high end wingers. Look at the struggles Toronto has had with Nylander and Marner but no true #1D or depth scoring. A 1D alone is worth way more than a star winger. I’d also rather be paying a high end 2C rather than a #2W.

- Schmojo

Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 24 @ 4:01 PM ET
You’re looking at this the wrong way. It’s not reaching for positional needs. If they stand pat at 12 and all of the D and C are gone, with BPA being one of Iginla, Sennecke, Eiserman and they decide to draft Hage or Boisvert then that would be reaching for positional need.

There is no guarantee that Demidov will be a superstar. Most evaluators rank him in a tier below Michkov. They will need to get to at least 4th overall to select Demidov. So you guys are advocating they trade TK, Farabee, Laughton, and 12th overall for him. Hes not that good! You’re acting like he’s the 2nd coming of Eric Lindros. Demidov will likely be a very good player in this league but he doesn’t play center and the Flyers already have a potential superstar winger in Michkov. Trading the assets above to get 7th and 11th overall and drafting a potential #1D and a top 6 center is significantly better value. It’s also not reaching for position as they’d be drafting players ranked at those spots. I posted before, championship teams don’t invest a lot in multiple high end wingers. Look at the struggles Toronto has had with Nylander and Marner but no true #1D or depth scoring. A 1D alone is worth way more than a star winger. I’d also rather be paying a high end 2C rather than a #2W.

- Schmojo

That’s not true. Toronto problem isn’t mitch/willy it’s spending on Tavares.

What about ranty/landy when avs won cup?

Yes this team needs top end talent on D and center. But they also need it on wing. If moving assets that need to be moved and wing is where the top end talent is then that’s what you add to build.
New Jersey Devils
Location: HEY. Does this pole still work?, NJ
Joined: 01.14.2011

Jun 24 @ 4:08 PM ET
With reports of teams like Ott and Buff trying to move their first rounders form immediate help, I would be doing everything I can to get those picks while keeping my own.

Hypothetically say Konecny goes to Ott for 7 in a deal and Laughton to Buff for 11. Flyers then can use 7, 11, 12 and 32 to get pieces to build with. That could be guys like Catton, Eisermann, Parekh, Richardinson. Add that to Michkov plus 2 first rounders next year and you have a base to build with.

- J35Bacher

Man, as much as I want to get behind that there is no way Laughton gets the 11th overall pick. Late 1st if we’re lucky. I kind of only expect getting a 2nd and like a 4th or 5th at most for him.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Jun 24 @ 4:11 PM ET
This is what is terribly wrong. You have your potential superstar coming over, you should be doing whatever you can to find your future center and build around that idea.

Not 8 years, 8-9mill a year for a RW that has never hit the 70 point mark.

Task 1 - Get Michkov over
Task 2 - Find a top center to pair with him
Task 3 - rebuild the roster around tasks 1 and 2.

- J35Bacher


His “go to” needs to be added ASAFP.

Make a pick, overpay for a young 1C that would mesh with MM. you do what you have to do.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Jun 24 @ 4:43 PM ET

His “go to” needs to be added ASAFP.

Make a pick, overpay for a young 1C that would mesh with MM. you do what you have to do.

- mikeyo27

I would caution with the overpay. They have tons of draft capitol and assets and if they do right thing they should be drafting high next season. No need to overpay
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 24 @ 6:19 PM ET
That’s not true. Toronto problem isn’t mitch/willy it’s spending on Tavares.

What about ranty/landy when avs won cup?

Yes this team needs top end talent on D and center. But they also need it on wing. If moving assets that need to be moved and wing is where the top end talent is then that’s what you add to build.

- Stayin alive

Colorado had 1D Makar, 1C Mackinnon, & 2C Kadri. Flyers don’t have any of that. Colorado also didn’t trade away half a dozen assets to get either of Landeskog or Rantanen.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Jun 24 @ 6:21 PM ET
Man, as much as I want to get behind that there is no way Laughton gets the 11th overall pick. Late 1st if we’re lucky. I kind of only expect getting a 2nd and like a 4th or 5th at most for him.
- hereticpride

It would have to be more than just Laughton to get the 11th. I think they should hold on making a deal for 11 until they see who’s falling. Then if the right guy is there, look at moving Farabee in a deal for it.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 24 @ 7:09 PM ET
I'm still confident Flyers are going to add a young center not thru draft. Looks like Pinto.is staying in OTT, Staios is supposedly saying "no" to teams. I hope Briere can find a way to grab Rossi ot Perfetti. Would be slightly disappointed if he settles for Krebs.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 08.12.2020

Jun 24 @ 7:58 PM ET

Ullmark to OTT, Chychryn still a Sen- let the Flyers speculation begin.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: New York, NY
Joined: 06.28.2007

Jun 24 @ 8:16 PM ET
now this may take time. I hope they do not rush to find one, who may not really be one. If that makes sense.

Having MM for a year with say Frost won't kill you. Need to think long term for that center.

- hello it's me 2050

Well said.
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