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Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

Saturday @ 9:35 PM ET
I might be overly optimistic, but I think Stamkos will be a Blackhawks on Monday.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 06.13.2015

Saturday @ 9:41 PM ET
I might be overly optimistic, but I think Stamkos will be a Blackhawks on Monday.
- DarthKane

I'm hoping, considering he's not settling for $3m from the Bolts
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 08.29.2015

Saturday @ 9:44 PM ET
You are, Darth ... the only way it happens is - partly for pay, partly for limited NTC (so he can dictate who he can go to), and then for a money amount that would allow for still being tradable after eating a portion of his salary -so (not just Stamkos, but any UFA not entirely having given up on playing in the playoffs) it is not just chucking a ridiculous amount of money at someone necessarily.

And then it comes down to, doing the math. No question that Chicago can pay, but the pay can stop movement flexibility -if that is what a player is also interested in.

That just feels like too many moving parts. In other words, take Perry, for example- without his contract being terminated, he might not have been so easy, still, to move with half retained. Forget the rest of the drama around him.

But I guess it would be nice if any of these can happen.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 11.02.2017

Saturday @ 9:55 PM ET
I might be overly optimistic, but I think Stamkos will be a Blackhawks on Monday.
- DarthKane

I know that the Hawks are really tight lipped, but I haven’t seen one reference of Stankos to Chicago. I am even hearing if New York can do the Trouba deal to Detroit, they would take a run at him.

I also don’t think he will go to a team to be used as a trade chip at the TDL. If they sign him, they have him for 3 plus years. Doesn’t seem to be a move KD is prepared to make yet.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Burkesville, KY
Joined: 12.16.2015

Saturday @ 9:56 PM ET
As a more than casual fan, but also someone who has never played, I won't ever 2nd guess the professional scouts. My only problem with the Hawks picks at 18 and 27 is that I think there's a good chance that they would both have been there at 20 and 34. I would have loved to have our 3 first rounders PLUS 2 more 2nd round picks!

I also cannot understand how you make a trade weeks before the draft to move up 2 spots when you have absolutely no clue that the player you're looking for will still be available.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Yorkville, IL
Joined: 08.30.2012

Saturday @ 10:00 PM ET
I’ve been on this board before with my comments and we had nice chats. I haven’t said anything disrespectful to the Hawks, I love that team. But I stand by the fact your draft was an all time dud. And it’s sad. These hateful comments coming back to me shows that you all feel the same. I’m not hating. I’m pointing the obvious
- QuickSCF

You are entitled to your opinion and discussion is always welcome imo.
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Yorkville, IL
Joined: 08.30.2012

Saturday @ 10:04 PM ET
I might be overly optimistic, but I think Stamkos will be a Blackhawks on Monday.
- DarthKane

That would be great 2 years 12 million per year
Carrier 2 years 4 million per year
Stolaraz 2 years 1.5 million per year
Also expect a trade or two coming
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Post-Tank-alyptic World
Joined: 12.23.2010

Saturday @ 10:19 PM ET
I might be overly optimistic, but I think Stamkos will be a Blackhawks on Monday.
- DarthKane

I’d be shocked to see that happen, however, a respected veteran with his pedigree would be impactful.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

Saturday @ 10:39 PM ET
That would be great 2 years 12 million per year
Carrier 2 years 4 million per year
Stolaraz 2 years 1.5 million per year
Also expect a trade or two coming

- Scott1977

Carrier is definitely another FA I want. I think it will take more than 2 years. He’s only 27 so I’d go 4 years.

2 years @$12 million is something the Hawks can afford for Stamkos. I was thinking 3 years at $7-$8 million AAV.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.23.2012

Saturday @ 10:49 PM ET
I’d be shocked to see that happen, however, a respected veteran with his pedigree would be impactful.
- Chief4Feathers

The value Stamkos brings off the ice and as a leader cannot be understated. He’d have a significant impact on Bedard both on and off the ice

KD has shown to be aggressive when he wants something. Hopefully he aggressive (but responsible) in his pursuit of Free Agent talent.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Woodridge, IL
Joined: 07.02.2016

Saturday @ 10:55 PM ET
I have read all the comments and so far, no one has mentioned anything about Mustard hawking for a hot dog company. It is right there in front of our faces. You don't put ketchup on a Chicago Hot Dog! Maybe they will let him ride the Wiener Mobile!
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Post-Tank-alyptic World
Joined: 12.23.2010

Saturday @ 10:57 PM ET
I know that the Hawks are really tight lipped, but I haven’t seen one reference of Stankos to Chicago. I am even hearing if New York can do the Trouba deal to Detroit, they would take a run at him.

I also don’t think he will go to a team to be used as a trade chip at the TDL. If they sign him, they have him for 3 plus years. Doesn’t seem to be a move KD is prepared to make yet.

- LAHawk

Anyone who watched the NYR during the playoffs would have to see that Trouba was a liability to his team. I have no idea why DET or any other team would take him on unless there were significant assets also included.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 08.29.2015

Saturday @ 11:08 PM ET
I have read all the comments and so far, no one has mentioned anything about Mustard hawking for a hot dog company. It is right there in front of our faces. You don't put ketchup on a Chicago Hot Dog! Maybe they will let him ride the Wiener Mobile!
- bjphawkfan

Right ---that's his nickname, then: Chi-Dog.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.15.2013

Sunday @ 12:31 AM ET
As a more than casual fan, but also someone who has never played, I won't ever 2nd guess the professional scouts. My only problem with the Hawks picks at 18 and 27 is that I think there's a good chance that they would both have been there at 20 and 34. I would have loved to have our 3 first rounders PLUS 2 more 2nd round picks!

I also cannot understand how you make a trade weeks before the draft to move up 2 spots when you have absolutely no clue that the player you're looking for will still be available.

- tvetter

Your point is understood and has merit. As you obviously know, it is all about risk management Or you could say opportunity cost. The fact is, they saw theses players all the time when keeping tab of their own previously drafted prospects. Since they have acquired and made extra selections plus will have extra picks in the next two drafts, it was no big deal to surrender the draft choices

But you know some people like to take risks. Sometimes it pays off and there is no second guessing. But you have in your mind a more sure thing, players you coveted and that is also a good thing

I don’t know iwhat crowd you are in when it came to the second overall pick. With that selection either choice is going to be second guessed in years ahead. While I was willing to draft the Russian I certainly understand the rationale to first take the RH dman. Perhaps 1) KD really did try to trade for the Russian and 2) perhaps instead they will sign Stamkos

I just love Demidov skill set and would risk taking him all the while knowing we probably can select a big time forward prospect next draft. We have some good looking forward prospects moving forward

KD probably made the correct safe smartest decision irregardless if some fans were clamoring for the Russian
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 06.11.2014

Sunday @ 12:46 AM ET
Even though my mind is blown you didn’t take Demidov, I will tell you that Levshunov is the real deal too. I watched all his interviews he seems like the coolest person to hang out with in life lol and he’s obviously a very very good player .
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 06.11.2014

Sunday @ 12:52 AM ET
I am not here to troll you people because Chicago is one of my favourite teams and I’d love to see them back on top. But I feel KD robbed you guys, and the league, of something very very special with Bedard and Demidov. I do really like Leveshunov too but it’s just not the same . My opinion
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Wherever I leave my hat
Joined: 07.26.2006

Sunday @ 2:20 AM ET
I am not here to troll you people because Chicago is one of my favourite teams and I’d love to see them back on top. But I feel KD robbed you guys, and the league, of something very very special with Bedard and Demidov. I do really like Leveshunov too but it’s just not the same . My opinion
- QuickSCF

There are a number of us on the board that would have preferred Demidov (and Hage/Eiserman) but many of us are not upset with the picks. We have faith (for now) in the process. Check back in 3 years and if Demidov is a 100 point player, Eiserman is scoring 40+ goals a year, and our drafted players are still figuring out how to tie their skates, you will see pitchforks outside of KD’s office.
Ottawa Senators
Joined: 06.11.2014

Sunday @ 3:05 AM ET
There are a number of us on the board that would have preferred Demidov (and Hage/Eiserman) but many of us are not upset with the picks. We have faith (for now) in the process. Check back in 3 years and if Demidov is a 100 point player, Eiserman is scoring 40+ goals a year, and our drafted players are still figuring out how to tie their skates, you will see pitchforks outside of KD’s office.
- Revco38

Yes. And I know you’ll be there with the pitchforks too because your fan base is awesome lol I really hope Levshunov is that beast for you guys. Those elite RHD are hard to find. Habs actually did the same last year taking Reinbacher over Michkov
Mr Ricochet
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Joliet, IL
Joined: 04.19.2009

Sunday @ 7:34 AM ET
I know they are going to not have the tables and GMs sitting there, but are you sure they just won't run it like the NFL draft?
- vabeachbear

I guess it will be run like the NFL draft. https://www.msn.com/en-us...e7199ad8778a81d6f97&ei=43
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Burkesville, KY
Joined: 12.16.2015

Sunday @ 8:42 AM ET
Your point is understood and has merit. As you obviously know, it is all about risk management Or you could say opportunity cost. The fact is, they saw theses players all the time when keeping tab of their own previously drafted prospects. Since they have acquired and made extra selections plus will have extra picks in the next two drafts, it was no big deal to surrender the draft choices

But you know some people like to take risks. Sometimes it pays off and there is no second guessing. But you have in your mind a more sure thing, players you coveted and that is also a good thing

I don’t know iwhat crowd you are in when it came to the second overall pick. With that selection either choice is going to be second guessed in years ahead. While I was willing to draft the Russian I certainly understand the rationale to first take the RH dman. Perhaps 1) KD really did try to trade for the Russian and 2) perhaps instead they will sign Stamkos

I just love Demidov skill set and would risk taking him all the while knowing we probably can select a big time forward prospect next draft. We have some good looking forward prospects moving forward

KD probably made the correct safe smartest decision irregardless if some fans were clamoring for the Russian

- jhawk59

I was wanting KD to draft Levshunov. First pair RD are hard to find. All you have to do is look at what Bowman gave up for Seth Jones (and the subsequent term). I understand the allure that Demidov has, but we have some good forwards in the system, and we don't have a top pairing RD. So, organizationally, we filled a need by going with the second best player available. I'm good with that.

I also understand picking Boisvert over Eiserman. KD is all about compete level all over the ice. Unless you are a generational talent (Bedard), you have to play in all three zones. Eiserman is a great goal scorer, and would look amazing on Bedard's wing, but the rest of his game needs work.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Burlington, ON
Joined: 01.12.2010

Sunday @ 8:53 AM ET
As a more than casual fan, but also someone who has never played, I won't ever 2nd guess the professional scouts. My only problem with the Hawks picks at 18 and 27 is that I think there's a good chance that they would both have been there at 20 and 34. I would have loved to have our 3 first rounders PLUS 2 more 2nd round picks!

I also cannot understand how you make a trade weeks before the draft to move up 2 spots when you have absolutely no clue that the player you're looking for will still be available.

- tvetter

I have no issue with the kids they picked at #18 & 27. But here's what I was thinking:

KD had to know that Montreal really wanted Demidov very badly and he was taking the Dman at #2 no matter what. So if he had offered Montreal the #2 in return for #5 and #25 he very likely still gets Levshunov at #5 because Anaheim wanted the kid they picked and Columbus were picking Lindstrom no matter what.

A bit of a risky move but KD would have had #5, #18, #25, #34 and #50. And/or the abilty to package some of those into higher picks.

Its over now and doesn't matter. And I think Montreal got the Russian kid that is perfect for that city - multiple languages spoken there, Euros like playing there, traditional team. Good for them, NHL is always better with a strong Habs team.
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: Burlington, ON
Joined: 01.12.2010

Sunday @ 8:59 AM ET
Anyone who watched the NYR during the playoffs would have to see that Trouba was a liability to his team. I have no idea why DET or any other team would take him on unless there were significant assets also included.
- Chief4Feathers

Trouba was playing on a broken ankle in the playoffs.

But he definitely isn't a top pair Dman when healthy and that makes him overpaid. Detroits interest - he takes the heat off Mo Seider for awhile
Season Ticket Holder
Chicago Blackhawks
Location: IL
Joined: 07.03.2019

Sunday @ 9:06 AM ET
I like KD’s picks, with all the young D, they are in great shape there. They have good size and can all skate, only Kaiser is on the smaller side, but he plays bigger than he is with his compete level. Upfront they keep accumulating speedy forwards and the future looks bright, but there’s more work to be done. The rebuild is not over, they still need more talent at center/forward, however there are many more picks coming up in the next two years, they should still be picking top ten next year.
Joined: 05.04.2010

Sunday @ 9:37 AM ET
I have read all the comments and so far, no one has mentioned anything about Mustard hawking for a hot dog company. It is right there in front of our faces. You don't put ketchup on a Chicago Hot Dog! Maybe they will let him ride the Wiener Mobile!
- bjphawkfan

hawk tuahing?

Sorry couldn't let that one go.

Projectable frame, 84 kilos for someone who turns 18 in a month is pretty solid. He should be able to put on another 5-10 in the next 2 years at providence where it he'll be a true freshman and I think that is one of those colleges where you can't get away with not doing the school work meaning the kid is probably not a moron and should have some sense on the ice.
Chicago Blackhawks
Joined: 02.24.2010

Sunday @ 9:47 AM ET
Your point is understood and has merit. As you obviously know, it is all about risk management Or you could say opportunity cost. The fact is, they saw theses players all the time when keeping tab of their own previously drafted prospects. Since they have acquired and made extra selections plus will have extra picks in the next two drafts, it was no big deal to surrender the draft choices

But you know some people like to take risks. Sometimes it pays off and there is no second guessing. But you have in your mind a more sure thing, players you coveted and that is also a good thing

I don’t know iwhat crowd you are in when it came to the second overall pick. With that selection either choice is going to be second guessed in years ahead. While I was willing to draft the Russian I certainly understand the rationale to first take the RH dman. Perhaps 1) KD really did try to trade for the Russian and 2) perhaps instead they will sign Stamkos

I just love Demidov skill set and would risk taking him all the while knowing we probably can select a big time forward prospect next draft. We have some good looking forward prospects moving forward

KD probably made the correct safe smartest decision irregardless if some fans were clamoring for the Russian

- jhawk59

The way I see it, if they have another bad season and draft in the 4-10 range next season they are probably drafting a fwd,BUT,they are probably going to have to wait a year for that fwd to play in the NHL. So that is this season+next season without any help for 98. If they drafted Demidov this year, he most likely comes in for the last 8-10 games of next season+ you'll have him the season after.
I just thought if they are going to have a high pick or two,it is better to try and surround 98 with some talented fwds sooner.
I know they can sign someone this season to play with 98,but I'm not betting on anything with Kyle's comments from the other day.
Next year's FA class as of right now- Crosby,Rantanen,Marner,Draisaitl,Boeser,Tavares,Konecny,Ehlers- just to name a few
Wonder how many will actually change teams.

If Kyle is going to improve his team he's going to have to find a Sharp,Reinhart,Ladd type or two via tradesl
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