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Forums :: Blog World :: Bill Meltzer: Quick Hits: Draft Night, Prospect Pipeline, and More
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New Jersey Devils
Location: HEY. Does this pole still work?, NJ
Joined: 01.14.2011

Saturday @ 12:05 AM ET
I honestly just want to punch him in the face.
- Stayin alive

But this Jett is a Flyer!

Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Saturday @ 12:12 AM ET
Get in line!
- Schmojo

Lmmfao. Here you go Cumcast your fanbase will pay you to throw a few punches. More profits
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Saturday @ 12:12 AM ET
So Michkov/Luchenko or Demidov/Reinbacher?
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 06.14.2023

Saturday @ 12:22 AM ET
The Flyers could have had Jiricek, Michkov, and Buium. Instead they have Drysdale, Michkov, and Luchenko. I’m just completely dejected right now. They’re going to announce the TK signing in the coming weeks and it’s just gonna be salt in the wound. I’m honestly not even excited about Michkov anymore. I hope the kid gets out after his ELC.
Stayin alive
Joined: 06.10.2021

Saturday @ 12:36 AM ET
The Flyers could have had Jiricek, Michkov, and Buium. Instead they have Drysdale, Michkov, and Luchenko. I’m just completely dejected right now. They’re going to announce the TK signing in the coming weeks and it’s just gonna be salt in the wound. I’m honestly not even excited about Michkov anymore. I hope the kid gets out after his ELC.
- Schmojo

I won’t know or care once that extension is given to tk fuq em
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: orlando, FL
Joined: 05.02.2007

Saturday @ 12:39 AM ET

Also ne of the youngest players in the draft …. Current prospect report on cap friendly gives him an A+ rating.

Ottawa Senators
Joined: 06.11.2014

Saturday @ 12:54 AM ET
Gonna be so fun when the Habs and Flyers are at the top. Both building insane teams. Then there’s Caufield vs York, Reinbacher vs Michkov, now Demidov vs Michkov lol
coffee junkie
Joined: 02.25.2007

Saturday @ 1:15 AM ET
Overall thoughts:

We will be looking at Buium and Helenius for years to come and judging them against Jett. Jett is a fine prospect that has potential and was a late riser. Looks bad but could be ok. Let’s visit this in 2029. Good trade with Edmonton.

SJ killed this draft. #1C and #1D (potentially) in one go. They are doing what the Flyers should be doing. Blackhawk’s too.

Eiserman at 20? Wow, wish we could have secured that pick. What value!

Sennecke at 3? Crack Batman. Crack. Don’t smoke crack Batman.

I guess late risers really stole the show this year.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 07.14.2007

Saturday @ 1:43 AM ET
Overall thoughts:

We will be looking at Buium and Helenius for years to come and judging them against Jett. Jett is a fine prospect that has potential and was a late riser. Looks bad but could be ok. Let’s visit this in 2029. Good trade with Edmonton.

SJ killed this draft. #1C and #1D (potentially) in one go. They are doing what the Flyers should be doing. Blackhawk’s too.

Eiserman at 20? Wow, wish we could have secured that pick. What value!

Sennecke at 3? Crack Batman. Crack. Don’t smoke crack Batman.

I guess late risers really stoke the show this year.

- coffee junkie

this is why tanking will pay off they get top forwards and dmen at the cost of a few bad years but no this team is too proud to lose a few more games to get a better player
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Saturday @ 6:23 AM ET
It’s not the same. The latter half of the first round is expected to be very random. Washington wasn’t passing on a potential 1D in Buium. Context matters. Flyers could have moved back a second time and still gotten Luchenko or Hage. NYI got a 2nd for moving back only 2 spots from 18-20. That’s way better asset management than the Flyers.
- Schmojo

Who says Buium is a potential 1D? Clearly if the Flyers thought this they would have ran up to the podium to get him. I mean, is it worth a 3rd round pick next year to not get a potential 1D? Of course not. So for whatever reasons, it appeared the Flyers were only interested in a few players in this draft class and tried to get those players only, i.e. D!ckinson, Demidov and Lindstrom. The Flyers could have traded up with Toronto later in the 1st round to get Solberg, but apparently they didn't like him either. It blows my mind to be honest, but like I said, I am reading scouting reports and looking at highlights just like you are, but the Flyers have scouts that do nothing but watch games and interview players all year long. Apparently they just didn't like this draft class and at least got more picks in 2025 which is projected to be a much deeper draft. Now the Flyers need to tank this year if they really want to get top players.
Philadelphia Flyers
Joined: 01.12.2018

Saturday @ 6:26 AM ET
Overall thoughts:

We will be looking at Buium and Helenius for years to come and judging them against Jett. Jett is a fine prospect that has potential and was a late riser. Looks bad but could be ok. Let’s visit this in 2029. Good trade with Edmonton.

SJ killed this draft. #1C and #1D (potentially) in one go. They are doing what the Flyers should be doing. Blackhawk’s too.

Eiserman at 20? Wow, wish we could have secured that pick. What value!

Sennecke at 3? Crack Batman. Crack. Don’t smoke crack Batman.

I guess late risers really stole the show this year.

- coffee junkie

San Jose, Chicago and Anaheim are aggressively trying to rebuild via the draft. I honestly don't know what the Flyers are doing, other than targeting the 2025 draft, which Jones has already called a very important draft.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 6:43 AM ET
can confirm d!ckinson was their guy
- anti-lame

confirmed by whom?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 6:51 AM ET
- Flyers1218

morning flyers fans how we doign thos monring?

- so reading that tweet is danyn boy also saying JD york and andrae are also great better players?

- once again looks like they drafted for need not BPA. will it bit them in the ass on both occasions?

- flyers can talk they need/want elite talent all they want. they clearly think depth or whatever will win.

- took the I guess "safe" pick. not smart in that spot.

- no issue with the 32 pick trade as in theory should be higher if you believe oilers will not win the cup.

- buff drops 3 spots gets a 2nd. isles drop 2 get a 2nd. flyers 1 get a 3rd. value seems. off especially since clearly wild wanted who they took.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 6:59 AM ET
This team can’t recognize elite amateur talent. They have failed consistently for nearly two decades now. Claude Giroux was drafted in 2006. They have failed miserably since then regardless of the GM. Until they fire the scouts nothing will change because they will be receiving the same bad analysis. I had hope things were different after Michkov but he’s appears to be an anomaly. It’s just a steady stream of “two way” try hards.
- psuhockey

looking forward to the laughton ext so he can mentor jett when he arrives.

they do not value elite talent is now my conclusion. has to be as they just do not go in that direction 99% of the time

hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 7:00 AM ET
Based on what little I know about who we drafted and the moves made tonight, tonight from my standpoint was a dud. Now, at the moment I have no reason to believe that Jett Luchanko is going to be average to bad. Many looked at Steve Yzerman sideways when he drafted Moritz Seider who was projected to be taken later in his draft class. What I will say is, if you’re going to make moves like trading back 1 spot to draft a player, you better be sure there is a “wow” factor. Briere claims his scouts have done the work, so when guys in here get upset that Jett Luchanko was projected to go much lower in a few mock drafts, that carries zero weight. With this said, the best point made tonight that I read was the handling of the 32nd overall pick. That’s the pick we got for Giroux. Briere making us wait all night and not even using it after two years of waiting spits in the fans’ face to a degree. Maybe Danny B doesn’t like this draft but it’s hard to argue that he improved us in anyway tonight.
- roenick97

lol what a great take.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 7:03 AM ET
Who says Buium is a potential 1D? Clearly if the Flyers thought this they would have ran up to the podium to get him. I mean, is it worth a 3rd round pick next year to not get a potential 1D? Of course not. So for whatever reasons, it appeared the Flyers were only interested in a few players in this draft class and tried to get those players only, i.e. D!ckinson, Demidov and Lindstrom. The Flyers could have traded up with Toronto later in the 1st round to get Solberg, but apparently they didn't like him either. It blows my mind to be honest, but like I said, I am reading scouting reports and looking at highlights just like you are, but the Flyers have scouts that do nothing but watch games and interview players all year long. Apparently they just didn't like this draft class and at least got more picks in 2025 which is projected to be a much deeper draft. Now the Flyers need to tank this year if they really want to get top players.
- jd250

flyers felators will be out in full force today I see.

simple queation for you. do you think they drafted the BPA? or they drafted for need?

those scouts are average at best at their jobs.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 7:05 AM ET
San Jose, Chicago and Anaheim are aggressively trying to rebuild via the draft. I honestly don't know what the Flyers are doing, other than targeting the 2025 draft, which Jones has already called a very important draft.
- jd250

hawks will be back contending in a few years all while the flyers will be announcing a new era of orange.

"jonesy" is a fn clown.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Saturday @ 7:20 AM ET
Seems odd that they traded 12/13 for a 3rd when flipping lower first rounders netted 2nds. It tells me that Danny & Co didn’t have Buium even on their list. He better not become another Quinn Hughes.

The only real positive thing I’ve read about the Flyers taking Jett with the 13th is that he’s really young and simply a late riser who had a really good Worlds tourney. Maybe this will turn out to be a pick like when the Wings took Mo Seider and got panned for it. We can hope. The kid does seem to be a fitness freak so maybe he’s the next Rod the Bod.

The trading of the Panthers pick seems like decent deal. It’s a 2025 top 12 protected. So in what’s touted to be a better draft class it can’t be worse than 32 so that’s not bad with good upside.

Back to Buium, Danny says they want size now on the back end. Bigger top 2 and top 4 defensemen don’t grow on trees. The rumors suggested that the Flyers were being uber aggressive in trading up so I can’t fault him for not trying to get a 1C or a 1D with size. Unless he’s got something up his sleeve, there still ain’t no talented size on or coming to the roster anytime soon.

Overall, day 1 of the draft was confusing and underwhelming. Ironically, today the Flyers get their bonus pick for striking out on JOB’s 1st round selection.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: NJ
Joined: 01.18.2014

Saturday @ 7:25 AM ET
As expected, Columbus is keeping their 2nd this year. Flyers pick at 51 now and have gained Edmontons 1st and Columbus 2nd next year.
landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Saturday @ 7:29 AM ET
Who says Buium is a potential 1D? Clearly if the Flyers thought this they would have ran up to the podium to get him. I mean, is it worth a 3rd round pick next year to not get a potential 1D? Of course not. So for whatever reasons, it appeared the Flyers were only interested in a few players in this draft class and tried to get those players only, i.e. D!ckinson, Demidov and Lindstrom. The Flyers could have traded up with Toronto later in the 1st round to get Solberg, but apparently they didn't like him either. It blows my mind to be honest, but like I said, I am reading scouting reports and looking at highlights just like you are, but the Flyers have scouts that do nothing but watch games and interview players all year long. Apparently they just didn't like this draft class and at least got more picks in 2025 which is projected to be a much deeper draft. Now the Flyers need to tank this year if they really want to get top players.
- jd250

How do you propose a tank when they have NO plans to take a step back…or a step forward. As far as who says Buium is a potential #1 D ? Pretty much the entire scouting world…but hey this is the same organization that took Nolan Patrick over Heiskanen and Makar….so spare me the explanation. Unless they were going to trade out and further back I don’t get it. They took a kid I’ve seen a handful of times and what I see is a small, solid C with ok skill ….ie a Scott Laughton….actually he reminded me of a “poor Man’s “ Morgan Frost in the one Live Guelph game I watched this year. He’s a great skater…but he didn’t have the skill level of Frost.(Guelph was terrible) When I saw the Flyers were interested I figured it was with the 2nd pick in the 1rst Rnd.
All Buium did was set the NCAA on it’s ear all year with better years then both Quinn Hughes and Makar had…so I do have a question for ya….with Tippet, Konecny, Farabee, Foerster, Brink, Laughton, Cates all still here…where are they playing Michkov?
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 7:31 AM ET
kidding aside, I do not see jett as a Laughton type. much better skill set to me.

doesnt mean he ends up as a 3rd line plyer. but 2 diff players to me.

draft the dman. then use the florida/col 1st plus something else (or both) to trade up then grab jett. Even if you overpay a little you grabbed your guy. No issue with that.

Then you walk away with 2 potentially good pieces.

landros 2
Season Ticket Holder
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Centre of universe
Joined: 02.07.2007

Saturday @ 7:32 AM ET
San Jose, Chicago and Anaheim are aggressively trying to rebuild via the draft. I honestly don't know what the Flyers are doing, other than targeting the 2025 draft, which Jones has already called a very important draft.
- jd250

Great plan Jonesy had…he stated that last year which would meaning the kids he’s talking about were 15 and 16 years old.
hello it's me 2050
Location: AR
Joined: 05.14.2021

Saturday @ 7:32 AM ET
How do you propose a tank when they have NO plans to take a step back…or a step forward. As far as who says Buium is a potential #1 D ? Pretty much the entire scouting world…but hey this is the same organization that took Nolan Patrick over Heiskanen and Makar….so spare me the explanation. Unless they were going to trade out and further back I don’t get it. They took a kid I’ve seen a handful of times and what I see is a small, solid C with ok skill ….ie a Scott Laughton….actually he reminded me of a “poor Man’s “ Morgan Frost in the one Live Guelph game I watched this year. He’s a great skater…but he didn’t have the skill level of Frost.(Guelph was terrible) When I saw the Flyers were interested I figured it was with the 2nd pick in the 1rst Rnd.
All Buium did was set the NCAA on it’s ear all year with better years then both Quinn Hughes and Makar had…so I do have a question for ya….with Tippet, Konecny, Farabee, Foerster, Brink, Laughton, Cates all still here…where are they playing Michkov?

- landros 2


to admit it is funny
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: PA
Joined: 04.27.2018

Saturday @ 7:34 AM ET
This team can’t recognize elite amateur talent. They have failed consistently for nearly two decades now. Claude Giroux was drafted in 2006. They have failed miserably since then regardless of the GM. Until they fire the scouts nothing will change because they will be receiving the same bad analysis. I had hope things were different after Michkov but he’s appears to be an anomaly. It’s just a steady stream of “two way” try hards.
- psuhockey

So MM is poop talent?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Dementia Patient in the White House, DC, PA
Joined: 03.20.2020

Saturday @ 7:34 AM ET
Did the Flyers just pick another JOB at #13? I've never heard that name in any of the draft rankings that I saw.
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