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Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 20 @ 2:23 PM ET
Unfortunately, you are gonna have to come to the realization that it's not all about policy. Trump has garnered lots of enemies over the years and the crap he has been spouting lately isn't helping him. You may want it to be all about policy, but you are also voting for a person and their persona. Trump is failing miserably right now as far as propping up his persona.
- Phillywhiteout

I am baffled with statements like this. Reading such statements makes one think Trump is just a grumpy old man, super competent with great policies, just rough at the edges. In other words, behind the persona is a different reality.

I am also baffled by mentions of TDS. TDS as a term could have been used in 2016, when he was just running for office, before there was a track record.

When we look at the economy, there are some basic measures to see if it is doing well. Namely: inflation rate, unemployment rate, jobs added, GDP growth rate. We don't usually include the stock market, because it often does very well even when the other factors are not (and vice versa).

In all of the first 4, Trump's period in office largely continues economic trends in 2014,15 and 16. Some are slightly better, some slightly worse. But there is no evidence at all of any acceleration, any significant change in any of these. If you doubt this, I will be happy to provide figures directy from sources that produce such figures (BLS, St. Louis Fed, etc.).

In other words, he inherited a current of recovery post recession and rode it. There is no evidence at all that he was to be credited. Now look at the crises he faced and how he reacted:

1. Covid. No one blames him for it. He did what any US president would have done: pump in billions towards vaccine development. He deserves credit for that.

But was it necessary for him to talk about bleach and hydroxychrloroquine? Especially since he availed of modern medicine himself at every opportunity (he was one of the first to be vaccinated)? All countries suffered, but why did we suffer so disproportionately more in terms of death rate per capita population? Death rates among Republican voters after vaccines were available were are tens of thousands more for Democrats. How many of these deaths are attributable to his lack of endorsement for vaccines and giving credence to wild crackpot theories?

2. The transfer of power. Never even mind his role in the mob. The guy publicly pressured his VP to not certify votes. When Al Gore was VP, and stood for election himself, he lost by 537 bitterly contested votes. Yet, he certified his own electoral defeat, shooting down objection after objection from Democrat delegations and pleas to not certify the vote.

Trump called Georigia officials to pressure them into finding votes. A president represents a system, of which he is the biggest spokesman. Does it not matter that he maligns this process and destroys trust?

After losing the election, he (and parties representing him) litigated endlessly. Not one court, not one publication, not one entitiy of any respected standing, found any credence to such objections.

Doesn't it matter to you that a man running for the Presidency in a democratic process disparage and denigrate the process?

3. Civil division, BLM etc. I don't want to provide zillions of details. Instead, let me simply use the words of the most decorated Army general of our lifetime, his own Secretry of Defense, a Marine 4 star general not just respected but venerated by his troops:

"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us,” Mattis writes. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership."

I am curious: doesn't this stuff matter?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 20 @ 2:30 PM ET
In this political climate, no single Republican would have any allies on the Democrat side. Last night, Biden touted that it's important to preserve democracy. As the Democrat party disenfranchises millions and millions of voters and gives the nomination to someone who didn't get a single vote from the people. He claimed that Trump does nothing but lie and then proceeded to lie. In a recent interview, Biden stated that inflation was 9% when he took over from Trump, when it it 1.4%.The Harris campaign virtually every single day states that project 2025 is Trump's platform when he has nothing to do with it. The regularly state that Trump is going to outlaw abortion. No President will have the power to outlaw abortion.


Primary winners win delegates. Those delegates are free to vote for anyone they like. This is not the first time that a candidate has stepped down before the convention but after securing the nomination. Lyndon Johnson did so in 1968.

Under the circumstances, you cannot have a second primary.The time is too short, the logistical challenges too late.

If a candidate has a stroke, or a heart attack, is the person supposed to be forced to contest the election?

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 20 @ 2:35 PM ET
I am baffled with statements like this. Reading such statements makes one think Trump is just a grumpy old man, super competent with great policies, just rough at the edges. In other words, behind the persona is a different reality.

I am also baffled by mentions of TDS. TDS as a term could have been used in 2016, when he was just running for office, before there was a track record.

When we look at the economy, there are some basic measures to see if it is doing well. Namely: inflation rate, unemployment rate, jobs added, GDP growth rate. We don't usually include the stock market, because it often does very well even when the other factors are not (and vice versa).

In all of the first 4, Trump's period in office largely continues economic trends in 2014,15 and 16. Some are slightly better, some slightly worse. But there is no evidence at all of any acceleration, any significant change in any of these. If you doubt this, I will be happy to provide figures directy from sources that produce such figures (BLS, St. Louis Fed, etc.).

In other words, he inherited a current of recovery post recession and rode it. There is no evidence at all that he was to be credited. Now look at the crises he faced and how he reacted:

1. Covid. No one blames him for it. He did what any US president would have done: pump in billions towards vaccine development. He deserves credit for that.

But was it necessary for him to talk about bleach and hydroxychrloroquine? Especially since he availed of modern medicine himself at every opportunity (he was one of the first to be vaccinated)? All countries suffered, but why did we suffer so disproportionately more in terms of death rate per capita population? Death rates among Republican voters after vaccines were available were are tens of thousands more for Democrats. How many of these deaths are attributable to his lack of endorsement for vaccines and giving credence to wild crackpot theories?

2. The transfer of power. Never even mind his role in the mob. The guy publicly pressured his VP to not certify votes. When Al Gore was VP, and stood for election himself, he lost by 537 bitterly contested votes. Yet, he certified his own electoral defeat, shooting down objection after objection from Democrat delegations and pleas to not certify the vote.

Trump called Georigia officials to pressure them into finding votes. A president represents a system, of which he is the biggest spokesman. Does it not matter that he maligns this process and destroys trust?

After losing the election, he (and parties representing him) litigated endlessly. Not one court, not one publication, not one entitiy of any respected standing, found any credence to such objections.

Doesn't it matter to you that a man running for the Presidency in a democratic process disparage and denigrate the process?

3. Civil division, BLM etc. I don't want to provide zillions of details. Instead, let me simply use the words of the most decorated Army general of our lifetime, his own Secretry of Defense, a Marine 4 star general not just respected but venerated by his troops:

"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us,” Mattis writes. “We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership."

I am curious: doesn't this stuff matter?

- PT21

No, simply because the majority of what you posted is completely false.

One man's opinion, Mattis, does not matter. There were countless in the military who loved and respected Trump as the commander in chief. Most importantly, the world respected him, even if they didn't like him. The economy, national security and immigration were all better under Trump than under Biden and Harris. That's just the facts.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 20 @ 2:39 PM ET

Primary winners win delegates. Those delegates are free to vote for anyone they like. This is not the first time that a candidate has stepped down before the convention but after securing the nomination. Lyndon Johnson did so in 1968.

Under the circumstances, you cannot have a second primary.The time is too short, the logistical challenges too late.

If a candidate has a stroke, or a heart attack, is the person supposed to be forced to contest the election?

- PT21


The candidate didn't step down. He was forced out. The only reason he was forced out was because their fraud on the American people, hiding a senile old man with dementia from the country, who was not and is not now capable of being President and the commander in chief., was exposed. They forced him out because due to their rouse being exposed, they knew they couldn't win with Biden. They disenfranchised millions and millions of voters. This is not a situation that just suddenly happened, such as a stroke or a heart attack. His condition has been present for years. They knew it and they still put him up in the primary and blocked any legitimate competition. It was a direct affront to democracy.

Are you seriously that clueless or just naive?
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 20 @ 2:48 PM ET
No, simply because the majority of what you posted is completely false.

One man's opinion, Mattis, does not matter. There were countless in the military who loved and respected Trump as the commander in chief. Most importantly, the world respected him, even if they didn't like him. The economy, national security and immigration were all better under Trump than under Biden and Harris. That's just the facts.


Every single part of what I said can be verified through the process one normally calls verification.

Though since you recently told us that you had full faith that Trump would stop the Ukraine war but couldn't say how, your perspective on this matter largely resembles that of a hapless 6 year old sucking him thumb wanting daddy to come home and kiss away his doubts and fears. AKA, blind faith.

Speaking of 6 year olds, I think it should be time to take one of your naps.

zzzz sweet baby.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 20 @ 2:53 PM ET
Every single part of what I said can be verified through the process one normally calls verification.

Though since you recently told us that you had full faith that Trump would stop the Ukraine war but couldn't say how, your perspective on this matter largely resembles that of a hapless 6 year old sucking him thumb wanting daddy to come home and kiss away his doubts and fears. AKA, blind faith.

Speaking of 6 year olds, I think it should be time to take one of your naps.

zzzz sweet baby.

- PT21

I'm quite sure that you can provide liberal websites. Americans have actually lived through the economies of both Trump, absence of Covid and Biden. Not hard to know which was better.

You're still hung up on that. You lack logic. It's not blind faith at all.

Speaking of 6 year olds. That's the level of your IQ.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 20 @ 2:54 PM ET

The candidate didn't step down. He was forced out. The only reason he was forced out was because their fraud on the American people, hiding a senile old man with dementia from the country, who was not and is not now capable of being President and the commander in chief., was exposed. They forced him out because due to their rouse being exposed, they knew they couldn't win with Biden. They disenfranchised millions and millions of voters. This is not a situation that just suddenly happened, such as a stroke or a heart attack. His condition has been present for years.

Are you seriously that clueless or just naive?


There is a difference between pressured out and forced out. The latter would have meant he was challenged in a floor vote. At the end of the day, there was intense pressure, but he was persuaded to leave: reluctantly but of his own cognizance.

The deception is a different story altogether. Hardly new though.


Bye, clown.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 20 @ 3:00 PM ET
There is a difference between pressured out and forced out. The latter would have meant he was challenged in a floor vote. At the end of the day, there was intense pressure, but he was persuaded to leave: reluctantly but of his own cognizance.

The deception is a different story altogether. Hardly new though.


Bye, clown.

- PT21

Just a semantics argument. He wasn't persuaded, he was forced. Which is why he is currently pissed off at Pelosi and the Obamas. It was not of his own cognizance. If he had his way, he would still be running. You're still an idiot. I'll take the win, again. Thanks for stopping bye. Doesn't it suck for you that somebody you claim has a mental illness, day after day proves that he is smarter than you are? I'm not even a self proclaimed academic!

There's a major difference between being confined to a wheelchair and being mentally declined and suffering from some form of dementia in your 80's.
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: 木糠布丁, PA
Joined: 03.04.2008

Aug 20 @ 3:02 PM ET
I'm quite sure that you can provide liberal websites. Americans have actually lived through the economies of both Trump, absence of Covid and Biden. Not hard to know which was better.

You're still hung up on that. You lack logic. It's not blind faith at all.

Speaking of 6 year olds. That's the level of your IQ.


The Biden eceonomy was pretty good, except for inflation. He has little to do with it. It was a worldwide phenomenon stemming from covid work recoveries and govt stimulus worldwide.

A fairer comparison would be the differences in how Biden and Trump faced the crises that stemmed from factors outside their control. The former, economic. The latter, Covid.

In the Biden case: the US economy did better than pretty much anywhere in the developed world. In the Trump case, it did worse.

Now: zzzzzz.

Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Candyland, PA
Joined: 09.20.2007

Aug 20 @ 3:05 PM ET
The Biden eceonomy was pretty good, except for inflation. He has little to do with it. It was a worldwide phenomenon stemming from covid work recoveries and govt stimulus worldwide.

A fairer comparison would be the differences in how Biden and Trump faced the crises that stemmed from factors outside their control. The former, economic. The latter, Covid.

In the Biden case: the US economy did better than pretty much anywhere in the developed world. In the Trump case, it did worse.

Now: zzzzzz.

- PT21

Biden's policies were a direct cause of the poor economy. Beginning on the first day when he stopped drilling and shut down the pipeline. Biden is one of the worst Presidents in American history.

The Trump economy was light years better than the Biden/Harris economy. Every American who lived in it, knows that.

You're a fool.
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