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Forums :: Blog World :: Matt Ross: Stanley Cup Finals: Game 5
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Matt Ross
Joined: 03.15.2013

Jun 18 @ 2:09 PM ET
Matt Ross: Stanley Cup Finals: Game 5
Vancouver Canucks
Location: Cumberland, BC
Joined: 03.18.2010

Jun 18 @ 3:01 PM ET
Go Panthers!!
Location: “Who are we to think we’re anybody?” - Tocchet. Penticton, BC
Joined: 04.26.2012

Jun 18 @ 3:16 PM ET
Wrap it up tonight!
Calgary Flames
Location: K town
Joined: 09.02.2014

Jun 18 @ 4:41 PM ET
Glad to see Lomberg in, he brings a very special piece of game with him.
Go Panthers!
Matt Ross
Joined: 03.15.2013

Jun 18 @ 7:40 PM ET
How we feeling, guys?
Matt Ross
Joined: 03.15.2013

Jun 18 @ 8:43 PM ET
Like how Stenlund is moving tonight. Feel like he’s going to get one.
Joined: 11.09.2015

Jun 18 @ 9:09 PM ET
This whole Stanley Cup broadcast has been an abomination. The narrative has been all about Conner McDavid and the Oilers. The Panthers are in the background of the whole series and I'm sick and tired of a homer in Messier being allowed to root for his old team on national television.
That being said, I hope Knoblauch isn't correct in saying that the Panthers cannot finish what they started, and compared them to the Buffalo Bills football team that went to four Super Bowls and couldn't win any of them. Please Panthers, don't be the laughingstock of the NHL and choke tonight.
Matt Ross
Joined: 03.15.2013

Jun 18 @ 9:24 PM ET
This whole Stanley Cup broadcast has been an abomination. The narrative has been all about Conner McDavid and the Oilers. The Panthers are in the background of the whole series and I'm sick and tired of a homer in Messier being allowed to root for his old team on national television.
That being said, I hope Knoblauch isn't correct in saying that the Panthers cannot finish what they started, and compared them to the Buffalo Bills football team that went to four Super Bowls and couldn't win any of them. Please Panthers, don't be the laughingstock of the NHL and choke tonight.

- madhatter56

Hate to agree with the first part because it makes me seem like a soft Panthers fan, but I’m def over the narrative of Edmonton (who have arguably the two best players in the world) being painted as an underdog.
Matt Ross
Joined: 03.15.2013

Jun 18 @ 9:45 PM ET
Joined: 11.09.2015

Jun 19 @ 5:26 AM ET
The tide has turned. The momentum is now with the Oilers. The Panthers look tired and are getting outworked by a team that wants it more. There is no joy in Mudsville, the mighty Panthers are striking out.
Buffalo Sabres
Joined: 10.13.2019

Jun 19 @ 7:29 AM ET
Extra day could help Florida, get there legs back under them. Gotta get back to choking of Edmonton, puck pressure.
Location: Maple Zombie
Joined: 02.14.2013

Jun 19 @ 7:40 AM ET
Worst pre game intro ever to a NHL Cup Final. Panthers won that ' lame embarrassing cup ' with jack nicklaus...that was a deserved game loss after that embarrassment
Philadelphia Flyers
Location: Newark, DE
Joined: 03.09.2010

Jun 19 @ 8:23 AM ET
Worst pre game intro ever to a NHL Cup Final. Panthers won that ' lame embarrassing cup ' with jack nicholson...that was a deserved game loss after that embarrassment
- spazzbot

What does Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, Commanding Officer Marine Ground Forces, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have to do with last night's game?
Location: Maple Zombie
Joined: 02.14.2013

Jun 19 @ 9:00 AM ET
What does Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, Commanding Officer Marine Ground Forces, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have to do with last night's game?
- jmatchett383

My apologies called him jack nichloson, anyway...
I am glad you enjoyed jack nicklaus riveting performance to hype the crowd. Carry on.
Joined: 11.09.2015

Jun 19 @ 11:47 AM ET
The crux of the matter is not Conner McDavid. The Panthers shut him down the first three games. The crux of the matter is that Knoblauch is outcoaching Paul Maurice. He's all business-like and found flaws in the Panther's style of play. Now they are taking it to the Panthers while in turn, Maurice is in denial and would rather be a post-game celebrity with his cute little innuendos. That just doesn't cut it. In reality, the power play sucks, they cannot win a faceoff to save themselves, and they are getting beat to the puck and out-muscled. Plus Bobrosky is flopping all over the place and looks like he has lost his confidence.
Edmonton Oilers
Location: Kenny will bring us to the promised land
Joined: 06.12.2012

Jun 19 @ 12:40 PM ET
Well guys, things have definitely taken a turn haven't they?
Florida Panthers
Location: Mo can stay awhile, FL
Joined: 10.27.2017

Jun 19 @ 7:53 PM ET
Self inflicted wounds creating a big hole to dig out of. Being your own worst enemy isn’t a strategy for success.